Fresh Bread and Barbeque

I am not a person who thrives on routine.  I often take a circular path to and from my office at Ocean Leadership so I don’t have to retrace my steps.

But on this wonderful ship, there’s a treasure on the Main Deck that has caused me to begin each day with the same routine — a slice of freshly baked whole wheat toast with peanut butter and a double espresso.  Tito Salalima and the night shift cooks and stewards bake our breads, filling boxes and baskets full of crispy croissants, sweet pan de coco, “heaven in your mouth” kolaches; and breadsticks warm from the oven about the time we leave the gym each evening.

I’m not the first on this expedition to write about Camp Boss Peter Cassidy, Cheif Cooks Jayson Pajarit and Albert Rivera and staff.  Howie Sher wrote a piece about them a month of so ago, and in her blog to Scientific American, Peggy Delaney describes this team as having the hardest job on The JR.  It’s a great read that I think you’ll enjoy.

In ten minutes they’re hosting a barbeque on the Core Deck;  I’d better get this posted so I can enjoy my new friends in the sunshine on this calm blue Pacific day.  And then I can get back in and post bread, cake, and barbeque pictures on Flickr —


P.S. It’s a funny thing that Leading Steward Edwin Palima and Cook Benji Laxamana hit the gym at about the same time Kelly (my office mate) and I do, and once in a while Cesar Caballero comes down for a run.  We’ve nicknamed the gym “Benji’s House of Pain” as he pushes us through workouts I never imagined I could handle. Cesar has taught us to make three layer lattes for afternoon coffee break, Edwin kindly asks what kind of salads we like, helping us to find tasty alternatives to the sweets, and when Benji serves our meals, he’s always on the lookout for diet derailment.


Photos:  Top:  BBQ Ben serving at today’s event.  Credit:  Jerry Bode.  Bottom:  Expedition 320 Cooks and Stewards From Left to Right — Back:  Tito Salalima, Leo Almendras, Cesar Caballero, Benji Laxamana, Arnold Puerto, Leo Caballero, Albert Rivera.  Middle:  Edwin Palima, Loreto Olegario, Camp Boss Peter Cassidy, Antipolo Leodones, Charlito Bayocot.  Front:  Mark Anthony Lauyog, Jayson Pajarit, Ronald Talavera.  Credit:  Bill Crawford, IODP Imaging Specialist


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