The JR Daily, 12 Mar 09
PRESENT ACTIVITY: Update as of 0830 hr 12 March 2009 Underway at 11.1 knots. The vessel is pitching and rolling moderately in light seas with rough swell under overcast skies. Visibility is excellent. If we continue our present speed, we will arrive on location during the late evening hours of Saturday night. At some point in the transit, we will slow the vessel and use the crane to remove the core barrels from the shucks (see photo).
TRANSIT: Previous distance traveled – 69 Nm over 8 hours with 1012 Nm remaining; Today – 251 Nm traveled over 24 hrs with 761 Nm remaining. Challenge: Calculate the speed in knots, the total distance traveled, and estimated time of arrival.
WEATHER: Heading 116?; Wind: 12-15 kt gusting 15-20 kt @ 150?-070?; Seas: 4 ft @ 6 sec from 140?-080?; Swell: 10 ft @ 10-12 sec from 140?-080?; Sea Water Temp: 23? C; Barometer: 10124 mb steady; Air Temp: 22?; Heave: 8 ft; Max Pitch 2? @ 8 sec; Max Roll: 4? @ 5 sec.
OPERATING PLAN (next 24-28 hours): Prepare drilling equipment for coring operations, continue familiarization with new labs, and conduct pre-site planning meetings.