All Good Things Must Come to an End
I can’t believe that in 26 hours we’ll be in our berth in the harbor in Wellington. I worried when I got on board that the time would drag and that 8 weeks would feel like an eternity.
I have to say, the time hasn’t crawled by – it’s flown by! It seems like just a couple of weeks ago, I was unpacking and getting used to the routines of the ship. Now I’m packing my office, copying files and getting ready to set foot on dry land for the first time since November. I have very mixed emotions about the end of this journey. It has truly been one of the most amazing experiences of my life and I will never forget it. I’ve made new friends that I will stay in touch with and learned things which I will take back to my classroom. I’ve got stories to tell and pictures to share and memories that will be mine forever. I was made to feel a part of this incredible seafaring family on the JR, and I will miss them, and the ship, immensely.
On the other hand, I am really anxious to get home to my family, my friends and my students. I look forward to my own bed, a bathtub instead of a shower, and scratching my cats behind their ears. While the JR was an amazing home away from home for the last 8 weeks, it is time to go home. Thanks to everyone involved, both on board and on shore. It’s been fantastic!