Arrival at Blue Moon (English version)
Today on Dec.15th 2016 around noon the Joides Resolution arrived at its first real drill site: The Blue Moon Seamount (Site MAF 16 A), one of the Serpentinite-Mud-Vulcnoes west of the Mariana Trench. This first site will be the deepest one of the expedition, about 4500m under sea-level. The drilling crew is working hard, putting the drill-pipes together to reach this depth. Finally it will be drilled about 50 meters into the surface of the mud volcano. The scientists aboard can hardly wait any longer to see what will be coming up from down there, which no man ever has seen before. They are excellently prepared for taking samples and the analyzation on board. Extra-meetings for the site have been held and Method papers have been submitted. Now hopefully around 4 o’clock in the morning they will be able to say “Core On The Deck”. The Crew from the nightshift is facing a big portion of work to come up together with the core.