School of Rock 2005
An Ocean-going, Hands-on Research Expedition for Earth and Ocean Science Teachers
The Integrated Ocean Drilling Program – United States Implementing Organization is excited to take advantage of a 16-day break between scientific operations and carry out a seagoing pilot teacher workshop on board the JOIDES Resolution during a transit from Victoria, B.C., Canada, to Acapulco, Mexico. During this workshop, teachers will be mentored and taught by scientists who are actively engaged in IODP research, the USIO Education Director, and staff. In addition, shipboard technical staff will provide guidance and content related to hands-on laboratory activities.
Leslie Peart became Education Director for the Joint Oceanographic Institutions in August 2004, adding another twist to her diverse career as a science teacher and marine educator. In her most recent position, as the Director of Interpretive Education at Chicago’s Shedd Aquarium, she directed thirty to forty staff in developing and implementing a wide array of daily learning activities for the Aquarium’s 2.1 million yearly guests. Before Shedd, Leslie held positions as the first education director for the Alaska SeaLife Center in Seward, Alaska and as education specialist at the Texas State Aquarium in Corpus Christi, expanding on thirteen years in south Texas secondary science classrooms. Her experience ranges from educational television production, museum theatre and curriculum development to teacher education, undergraduate teaching and field guiding experiences in Texas, Mexico and Alaska’s Inside Passage.
An avid sailor, Leslie has raced and explored the waters of the western Gulf of Mexico, Corpus Christi Bay, the Gulf of Alaska, Resurrection Bay and Lake Michigan. Ask her about the Wombat!
I’ve been teaching at UMass-Amherst since 1985. I grew up in the Midwest (Michigan, Indiana, and Illinois) where I developed a boyhood interest in fossils. That interest has never faded; I’m still an avid rock hound to this day. Pursuing a geology degree at Northern Illinois University seemed like a no-brainer after high school even though I never had an Earth science course. I had the opportunity to do field work in Antarctica as an undergrad and stayed on at NIU for a Masters degree and two more trips “to the ice”. I did a Ph.D. at the University of Colorado where I really got into the geology of the Colorado Plateau; about half of my research still deals with Cretaceous age strata and microfossils from the west. As a first-year Ph.D. student I had the opportunity to sail on the Glomar Challenger with Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 79. After Colorado, my wife and I moved to Cape Cod Massachusetts for a year-long stint as a post-doc at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution before moving on to the University of Massachusetts. I have participated in 5 Ocean Drilling Program legs between 1985 and 2003 (101, 130, 165, 198, and 210). My research focuses on biostratigraphy, paleoceanography, tectonics and climate, and the evolutionary history of planktic foraminifera.
In the last ten years, I have become keenly interested in pedagogy and how we teach Earth science. My teaching, research, and service are all interconnected. In collaboration with Richard Yuretich, I have been exploring new interactive techniques to teach and engage students in large, non-laboratory introductory science courses. For example, we’ve instituted daily in-class problem-solving exercises and have successfully utilized two-stage multiple-choice exams. We published an in-class book entitled “Investigating the Ocean, An Interactive Guide to the Science of Oceanography”. I’ve also introduced student-active learning into my smaller, advanced geology courses and seminars. I teach a broad spectrum of courses ranging from “Introductory Oceanography”, to geology core courses such as “History of the Earth” and “Introductory Field Geology”, to advanced courses and seminars in the areas of micropaleontology, paleoceanography, and paleoclimatology. I look forward to learning more about innovative teaching from School of Rock shipmates!
Kristen St. John is an Associate Professor in the Geology and Environmental Science Department at James Madison University in Harrisonburg, VA. She came to JMU from Appalachian State University in January 2005 after accepting a new position in Geoscience Education. Towards her education charge, Kristen in involved in a state-wide funded program to endorse more earth science teachers through a series of summer short courses. This semester she is teaching undergraduate courses in Earth Science for pre-service teachers and Oceanography. However, through the tremendous support from department colleagues, she will step out of those two courses mid stream to be one of the instructors for the JOI School of Rock. Kristen also interacts with the geoscience education community as an associate editor of the Journal of Geoscience Education . In addition to her teacher education charge, Kristen maintains an active research program in marine sedimentology and paleoceanography. Her work primarily focuses on reconstructing Pleistocene ice-rafted debris histories. She sailed as a sedimentologist on ODP Legs 163 and 173 and has worked on samples or data sets from Legs 145, 152, 178. Most recently she served as a sedimentologist for the IODP Arctic Coring Expedition 302 (ACEX). Through her post-expedition research she is reconstructing the Cenozoic ice-rafting history of the central Arctic. Following undergraduate studies in Geology at Furman University (1992), Kristen received her MS (1995) and PhD (1998) in Geological Sciences from Ohio State University. She met her husband, electronic technician Larry St. John, while on board Leg 173, and they have two children Helen (age 5), who is a kindergarten ring leader and part-time princess, and Will (age 1), a charmer, comedian, and champion eater.
I serve as an Associate Professor of Science Education in the Department of Teaching, Learning, and Culture and the ODASES Science Education Specialist at Texas A&M. I have been a practicing scientist and junior high science teacher as well as teaching science content and science education course at the university level. My first job out of college was at a Creosote plant. We used three main preservatives – creosote, pentachlorophenol, and Copper Chromated Arsenic (CCA). I was fairly happy as the guy responsible for all areas of quality control, until I was promoted to the environmental safety officer where I found out that I was routinely working with over 100 different hazardous chemicals. I decided that teaching junior high science couldn’t be that dangerous, so I quit and went back to school. I found out two things, one I paid more attention when I paid for school and I really liked learning. I ultimately ended up with a B.S.F. in Forest Management with an emphasis in Wood Technology from Stephen F. Austin State University; Science Composite Teaching Certification, a M.Ed. in Secondary Education, and a M.S. in Chemistry from Sam Houston State University; and an Ed.D. in Science Education from the University of Houston. As a university faculty member, my research interests include a general interest in technology-supported learning in math and science; science content learning; Project-Based Learning (PBL), and program evaluation. I am married to a high school science teacher and former librarian and we have a daughter in the ninth grade. We travel/camp when we can. Recent trips include the Grand Canyon, Yosemite, four corners region, Rocky Mountain National Park, and the Smokies. My favorite sports are golf – participatory – and baseball – observatory (Go Astros!) – and my favorite food is cooked by someone else!
Ann Klaus has worked for the drilling program for 13 years. She has held the position of Deputy Director of Data Services for the IODP-USIO since IODP began in 2003. Her duties include oversight and management for the program’s scientific legacy (including core collections, core images, and databases); production of IODP publications; and the information technology systems used to support the program. She is also participates in the team that oversees the USIO’s outreach and education activities. During the Ocean Drilling Program, Ann held positions as the Publication Services Manager (1995-2003), the Chief Editor for the Publications Department (2003-1995), and the Assistant Public Information Coordinator (1993) for the Science Operator at Texas A&M University in College Station, TX.
Ann has a BA and MA in Marine Biology and studied the affects of marine disturbances, including gray whale and walrus feeding and ice burg gouging, on benthic infaunal invertebrate communities in the Bering Sea. Before working for the drilling program, Ann’s career focused on marine science education. Some of her most exciting jobs included working at an aquarium in Tokyo, Japan; serving as Education Director at Bishop Museum, Hawaii; starting the school outreach education program for the Monterey Bay Aquarium, California; and working as a naturalist on marine mammal observing cruises in the western Pacific and Caribbean.
When not working, Ann enjoys getting exercise with her family, being out of doors, swimming and SCUBA diving, traveling, and hanging out with her husband, Adam (who also works for IODP as a Staff Scientist) and their 6-year old daughter, Marley.
Matt has been working at JOI for over two years, first as an intern and now in the JOI Learning Education department. He helps in the planning and implementing of education programs as well as designing and producing education posters, websites, and media, among many other tasks. Matt has an undergraduate degree in geology and was first introduced to ODP by conducting climate change research using samples from Leg 154. School of Rock will be Matt’s second cruise on the JOIDES Resolution, having participated in IODP Expedition 301T. He enjoys traveling, watching Seinfeld re-runs, and much to his dismay, is the second best golfer in his regular foursome.
– Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, WA, B.S. Earth Sciences, B.A. Biology, Minor Anthropology
– University of California, Santa Barbara, M. A. Geological Sciences (emphasis in Marine Geology, specifically Mid-Ocean Ridges)
Professional Experience:
– National Science Foundation, Division of Ocean Sciences, Science Assistant (Paper Pusher), 1999-2001.
– ODP/IODP, Marine Lab Specialist/Assistant Lab Officer (Core Pusher), 2001-present. Currently I am one of two ALOs who act as the Core Lab foreperson. Along with keeping the labs in order, we coordinate all oncoming and offgoing shipments.
School of Rock:
During the School of Rock I will help coordinate activities in the labs and with the technical staff. I will also give tours and presentations.
Hobbies: Soccer, traveling, road trips, hiking, scuba diving, guitar
Picture: That’s me beside Riverside Geyser, Yellowstone National Park, 2003. One of the perks of this job is the extra vacation that can allow me to travel.
– BS in Marine Biology, Chinese Culture University
– MS in Oceanography, Texas A&M University
Professional experience:
– Assistant editor, Chien-Li publishing co. July 1986 – Dec. 1986
– Chemistry tech, ODP, Feb 1991-Oct 2002
– Dive Master, Professional Sports Diver, Guam USA, Oct 2001 – Jan 2002
– ALO, ODP/IODP, Oct 2001 – present
Hobbies: SCUBA, Hiking, movies, and travel
I have been working as a tech/ALO on the JR since 1991. I was a chemistry technician, with my background in chemical/biological Oceanography. Chemistry techs manage the chemistry lab, including maintaining and repairing all instrument, performing analysis with the scientists. Working as an ALO, my primary responsibility is a corelab foreman, core pusher if you prefer. I make sure the cores move through the lab continuously. I assist any other labs when needed, and/or projects beside routine activities. ALOs also take care of the shipping (including packaging and documentation), inventory of all supplies, ship stores (where we sell IODP memorabilia), and LO assigned activities.
I love science and I love the oceans. So what better job can I have!!
Sea-going Curatorial Representative and native New Yorker Paula Weiss has worked for the drilling program (DSDP, ODP and IODP) since 1982. She served as the Teacher-at-Sea Mentor on Expedition 309 and will be at your service on Expedition 311 School of Rock. Never one to mind getting dirty, Paula keeps her hands in the mud by working in her pottery studio in Peoria, Arizona during her time off. She has also been known to make a few fake cores in her day, so watch out!
Klayton is the paleomagnetic technician on the ship. Paleomagnetism is important to geologist to help pinpoint the dates of rock and mud by correlating the rock’s magnetic properties with the record of the reversals of the Earths magnetic field from millions of years ago. It can also show where the magnetic north pole was when the rock and mud was first formed, and how far a section of land was displaced north or south from where it formed. Magnetic minerals in the rocks and mud act like tiny magnets and always point in the direction that the Earths magnetic field was flowing when the material was formed, like a compass. The scientist use a magnetometer to tell which way these little “magnets” were pointed millions of years ago and therefore understand the paleomagnetics of the rock or mud.
Klayton was born and raised in Mesa, AZ. The ten years following high school saw him working as a wilderness guide, mule pack string outfitter and youth counselor. The next ten years was spent working on small eco-adventure cruise ships where he became chief mate and was able to travel to many far away places such as the Arctic, the Antarctic. It was on these small ships listening to the geologist/naturalists describe the geology under the oceans that he decided to go to school and become a marine geologist. After graduating in 2004 from Western Washington University (which is north of Seattle) with a Bachelor of Science in geophysics he spent some time on his sailboat in the Caribbean. He was then offered the position of paleomagnetic technician on the JOIDES Resolution. The work on the ship includes maintaining a superconducting cryogenic magnetometer and other peripheral rock magnetism instruments. However, most of the work Klayton does on the ship is preparing the rock or mud cores for the scientists, which includes cleaning, spliting the core into two parts, labeling and storing the core.
Dan Bregar has been teaching physical science and ecology at Crescent Valley High School, in Corvallis, Oregon, since 1998. His background is in zoology and botany, and his fieldwork experience ranges from trapping small mammals in the Cascades to counting bugs on Mt. St. Helens to monitoring fish survival off the Oregon coast. Dan is looking forward to adding oceanographic and geology research to this list, and fervently hopes that there’s a guitar somewhere on board the ship.
Calvin Buchholtz feels learning never stops. To him it is a continuous circle of self learning and new experiences that can then be shared with his colleagues and his students. It comes back around to him as he peaks interest in varying areas of the world of science for all those around him. This past summer he attended a Physics of Music workshop in California; he experienced weightlessness at the Educators Space Camp in Alabama; he operated (moved) the new Hobby- Eberly Telescope at the McDonald Observatory as part of a Tufts University Seminar and presented at the ESET (Empowering Science Education through Technology) in Texas. Calvin is a life long resident of San Antonio, Texas. He has taught at John Jay High School for 34 years and has taught summer classes in geology at St. Mary’s University. He received his degree in geology at St. Mary’s University, and with his composite teaching certification, he has taught marine biology, geology, astronomy, meteorology, conceptual physics, and IPC. His leadership skills are evident in the numerous workshops he conducts for students and teachers. He has been the Director of Summer Leadership Workshops for the Texas Association of Secondary School Principals and Student Councils. He is the anchor for the school campus as he coordinates the school wide calendar. He is on hand to assist the John Jay staff and students along with the staff and students of the Science and Engineering Academy. This multi-faceted educator still has time to devote to public television as one of the cameramen for special events.
I teach 5th grade science at a private school in Paradise Valley, AZ. I never intended to teach when I was going to college and spent some time working as a mudlogger and surveyor. Then I met my wife Dell, who is a teacher, and started teaching earth science in middle school. We have four daughters and six grandchildren. My wife and I taught overseas for ten years in Kuwait, Korea and Myanmar. Our apartment was looted in Kuwait during the Gulf War so I sued Saddam Hussein for $55,000.00 and ten years later received a $35,000.00 settlement which I used for the down payment on my house in Phoenix. My hobbies are rock hounding, reading, and traveling. I help chaperone the 7th graders to the Grand Canyon for a week each year on a field trip. Last week I took fifteen 5th graders to collect mica near Cleator, AZ. We found huge books of mica in a pegamite. This summer I rafted the Grand Canyon from Lees Ferry to Diamond Creek. It was a nine day trip of a lifetime. My favorite sport is football and my favorite food is Asian.
Sharon Cooper is the Education Specialist for the National Museum of Natural History’s Ocean Hall. In this role, she advises the exhibit team on educational goals, objectives and components. Prior to coming to the museum, she has worked in environmental education for more than 10 years, working for such organizations as National Wildlife Federation and the Bronx Zoo. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology from Princeton University and a Masters in Environmental Studies from the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies.
Debbie is in her 4th year of teaching Earth Science and Ecology to high school students in rural South Boston, VA. Debbie’s background includes 10 years as a stay at home Mom to raise 2 children. Active in her children’s school as the Parent Volunteer Coordinator, she enlisted parents and community members to build a playground, run an art appreciation program, and provide individual reading assistance to children. She has worked as a supervisor in a candy factory, managed a bookstore, delivered mail, and has substituted in public schools for 10 years, mostly in gifted education classes. Debbie worked for 9 years as a quality control supervisor for Georgia Pacific in a particleboard manufacturing plant. There she was involved with optimizing particleboard quality and productivity, maintained industrial machines, supervised laboratory personnel, and conducted research in formaldehyde testing and resin trials. She graduated from North Carolina State University with dual degrees in Forestry and Wood Science and Technology. Born in England and raised in Japan, Debbie moved to the U.S. as a teenager. She enjoys travel and backpacked alone through Europe for 2 months, and has returned twice for family adventures.
Laura Jo began her career in education as an elementary teacher and then moved into the middle school level to teach Life, Earth and Physical Science for the Gifted Program in her Texas community. In 1984 she graduated Summa Cum Laude from Texas A&M with a Masters of Education in Curriculum and Instruction and a minor in Geology. While working on her PhD at Texas A&M she developed teaching materials for Sea Grant, taught gifted education courses for Masters Program and conducted research for the Curriculum and Instruction Department at the university.
Following her project at Texas A&M she spent 15 years as a National Science Consultant for a major publishing company. During this time she developed teaching materials for science and conducted professional training workshops in U.S. and International school systems.
Laura Jo retired from the publishing industry in 2000 and has been an independent contractor, developing materials for professional training videos and continuing her work conducting professional training workshops for teachers.
I have taught Earth Science since 1983 in Montana and Idaho. I am currently teaching freshman Earth Science at Bonneville High School in Idaho Falls, Idaho. I also teach Biology, Astronomy and Environmental Science. In addition to my face-to-face classes, I teach an online high school Earth Science course for the Idaho Digital Learning Academy.
I am currently serving as a MESSENGER fellow for the education portion of the NASA mission to Mercury.
I have also worked with WebWatchers, EarthCom, and Northwest Center for Sustainable Resources.
In my spare time, I love to hike in the summer and ski in the winter. I can remember sitting
in my classroom as a child and reading about the Glomar Challenger in my Weekly Reader and the exciting discoveries that came from its voyages. It is truly a thrill to be able to sail on its successor the Resolution!
Bryan Kennedy is an educator, researcher, and developer in the Exhibits Division at the Science Museum of Minnesota. Bryan’s main passion is connecting real world spaces and experiences with the unique beauty of the Internet. He is currently trying to build a bridge between the active world of science research and the Science Museum’s exhibit spaces through a series of mini exhibits linked up to a fledgling online community called Science Buzz (http://www.smm.org/buzz). In several alternate/imaginary existences he also might have been a fiber artist, a geochemist, and the owner of a record store.
Hello, my name is Heather Kortlandt and I reside in Portage, MI. Portage is located in southwest Michigan about 150 miles west of Detroit. It is a town of about 50,000 people. Most people have heard of our sister city Kalamazoo, MI. (you know, “…I’ve got a gal in Kalamazoo”). Kalamazoo is the birthplace of Gibson guitar, Checker cabs, and the Upjohn pharmaceutical company. I grew up on the shore of Lake Michigan about an hour from where I currently live. After high school, I moved to Kalamazoo where I attended Western Michigan University. I earned a BS in 2001 (Major: Earth Science; Minor: Math) and a MA in Science Education 2003.
I am a secondary educator for Otsego Public Schools. I have taught a fairly diverse load of classes in the past four years including Biology, Earth Science, Physical Science, and various math courses. Currently, I teach them all except Biology. I absolutely love the variety because it allows me to facilitate my desire to learn as I am constantly keeping up to date in each of these subject areas. I am a huge fan of an inquiry run classroom and have been striving towards creating that environment for the last three years.
Outside of the classroom I work as a coach for two sports. Currently, I am in the middle of the 7 th grade girls’ basketball season (we are 1 and 4) and in the spring I am the assistant varsity women’s track coach. I enjoy coaching because it is truly just another venue for a classroom. There is still plenty to learn after the last bell of the day! It’s also a lot of fun.
In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my husband (Craig). We have been married for a little over a year (perhaps this is why I still enjoy spending time with him). I also run, belong to a book club and enjoy traveling. My most current trips include South Dakota (its much more interesting than it sounds!) and Costa Rica. I am looking forward to departing with you all very soon!
Hi, I’m Julie Marsteller, my present position is at Hoover Middle school in Potomac Maryland. I teach 5 periods of 8th grade earth science daily. At Hoover I am also in charge of the Student Service Learning, an aspect of life I find important to expose young people to. I have taught in the public school system in Montgomery County as well as in Tampa, Florida for 13 years. Within these years I established various science and environmental clubs and worked at a variety of informal education sites such as The Museum of Science and Industry (Tampa), The Lowry Park Zoo(Tampa), The National Zoo (DC) at each of the places I created curriculum and/or established education programs.
On a personal side, I love working with my hands. I have a metal/jewelry studio in my basement, I sew, garden, love to cook and travel and hate sitting still for long. I have 2 wonderful children, Avery 4 and Ian 9, a sweet husband, Lee and a crazy Standard Poodle puppy, Quincy. You could say my life is full, but there’s always room for more.
Having grown up on a conservation area in Southern New Hampshire, I have always been surrounded by nature and science. I left my tiny home town to attend Mount Holyoke College thinking I would become an elementary school teacher. However, after taking Environmental Geology course, I fell in love with the subject and decided to meld my love of teaching with my passion for geology.
In 1999, I graduated from college, having completed an honors thesis which investigated the paleo-climate of Panamint Valley, California (the valley just west of Death Valley). That fall, I began my Masters in Science Education at the University of Massachusetts (which I completed in 2002) and I also started teaching Earth Science to 9th graders at South Hadley High School, in Western Massachusetts. Seven years later, I am still at SHHS, not only teaching Earth Science, but Geology and Environmental Science to juniors and seniors. After school, I assist with the Science Club, the Recycling/Environmental Club, and the Diversity Group.
Outside of school, I love to travel, read, garden and hike. I have traveled throughout much of the United States as well as Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, Istanbul and Greece. My travels have provided me with many opportunities to pursue my other hobby of photography.
Mary Whaley has been a Science Specialist with the South Carolina Mathematics and Science Unit since 2001. With her colleagues from around the state, her primary responsibility is the development of the statewide K-5 coaching program including the training and mentoring of school-based science coaches. She also assists nine school districts by providing professional development and resources that promote standards-based, inquiry-centered science. Mary taught elementary and middle school science and math from 1993-2001, where she was a lead science teacher and the1996 Teacher of the Year. She assisted with the school district’s NSF-funded grant, Project Inquiry, as an elementary and middle school FOSS and STC kit trainer as well as by developing and teaching science content and methods courses. Mary completes her M.Ed. in Science and Mathematics for Teachers from the University of Charleston in December 2005.
A South Carolina native, Mary currently resides in Charleston. When not working with science teachers, you can find her hiking, gardening, working with raptors, rescuing/rehabbing animals of all types, or simply enjoying the company of her dog, Chuck.
Roberta Young is an 8th grade integrated science middle school teacher at Gunn Jr. High in Arlington, Texas. She received a B.S. and M.A. in biology from the University of Texas at Arlington where she was a graduate teaching assistant. Roberta has taught Honors Biology, 6th, 7th, and 8th grade science, and physical science but her favorite group is middle school. Roberta was a co-founder of Texas Teachers Organization for Physical Science and is the present historian for the group. She is also a member of Texas Environmental Education Advisory Committee (TEEAC), which is an advisory committee for the Texas Commissioner of Education. Roberta enjoys spending her summers attending science workshops and hiking with her dog around her cabin in Colorado. She also enjoys taking tap dancing lessons and riding her Harley.