Geophysical Correlations
We are now drilling at deeper than 700 m below the seafloor but in the upper part of the section we have a number of holes that now allow us to put together a relatively complete record of sediment in this area provided the different drills cores can be related to one another. This photo shows Rakesh Saxena examining geophysical data which he has collected on the multi sensor track and which can be used to relate one cored hole to its neighbor. Rakesh and his colleagues in physical properties are responsible for scanning all the cores as soon as they come from the catwalk and before any other work is done on them. These measurements form the initial data sets that allow us to understand what it is that we have recovered and which can then be correlated with downhole wireline logs which is his speciality. When not floating around on the JOIDES Resolution Rakesh is a geophysicist with India’s ONGC and works extensively in the hydrocarbon industry offshore Western India.