My first 9 meter core sample
The 34 million year old core sample only recently came back on the ship, but that sediment sure did have a lovely scent. Calvin Klein probably could not market it, however if you are looking for a cheap alternative smell to replace the 3 week old cheese in your fridge, we may have a winner. At least our 9 meters of sample did not include the mold that another group had. Reminded me of an 8th grade science Fair Project. Our layer did have excellent coloration showing a change from a light to dark. A more gradual change compared to other sediment samples that also had the Eocene-Oligocene Boundary in it. So many new terms and words I had no clue exsisted.
Class from 8am-9pm is also smelly;)
Everyone on the ship and on the trip are so amazing. The stories and how each individual ended up on this ship at this time is very interesting. Time to get back to class, a little too much work for summer break, but I am learning so much!