Exp359.25thOct. Downhole measurements! A small lab in a hole !!!
Drilling operations on the site 1466B ceased around 9am today and logging will start in the evening. Downhole measurements will complete core…
Scientist Highlight: Adam Guo Leads Summer Program for Future Earth Scientists
Adam Guo is a geology professor at the California State University, Bakersfield USA, who conducts research on paleoclimate by studying…
Exp359. 24th Oct. Why are they looking for fossils ?!
When they have a core of deep sea sediments , the scientists have to make an age determination. How might…
Exp359. JOIDES. 22nd Oct. Why these deepths ?
The drill string was lowered to the seafloor with the RCB in the afternoon for a seafloor depth of 528…
Equator Crossing: Comic by Jesus Reolid
“Historically, mariners have been know to follow a long line of ancient traditions, many of these based on old superstitions….
Exp359. JOIDES : No"Core on deck" today…
Beaucoup de travail cependant sur le rig floor (https://www.facebook.com/joidesresolution