ROV, Day 1
For one of our group activities here on the ship we have the opportunity to construct ROV’s (Remotely Operated Vehicles)…
La magie des couleurs des mineraux
De nombreuses methodes existent pour etudier les roches. Mais la plus esthetique reste a mes yeux l’observation en lumiere polarisee…
sunset sunrise
Sunset points to nice sunrise: both unusual for this location! Usually it is overcast and windy. The night before last,…
Friday Night Live
No sleep for some tonight. There is much more to JR drilling than making the hole in the sea floor….
Live from Anywhere in the Ocean
I wrote this little piece to set the stage for a grant proposal I’ve been working on. I kind of like…
Injection de traceur!
Pour mieux comprendre la circulation de l’eau a l’interieur de la roche, rien ne remplace un traceur. C’est a…
Collecting bacteria in the borehole
Le point de rencontre de deux mondes…
Des roches issues des profondeurs – ici des basaltes provenant de la fusion du manteau- sont au contact de roches…
From survival suits to ROBOTICS. Soon the teachers will be driving! Scientist Geoff Wheat introduces the robotics project. Stay…