The First Step

I am Frankie T

Coring on the deep blue sea

Brothers, come to me

Hey All,

I’m off on an excellent adventure. I’ve been given the opportunity to sail on the JOIDES Resolution, an International Ocean Discovery Program ocean-going drilling vessel. This expedition is two months long, and its goal is to understand the evolution of an undersea volcanic edifice called the Brothers Volcano.

The JR is a wonderful research vessel staffed with an excellent crew, from those who actually “drive” the ship, to those who clean your room, do your laundry, cook your food, maintain electronic communications, and drill the seafloor for samples.

However, life at sea for two months can be challenging. The ship is subject to the vagaries of weather, and rough seas can make doing your job difficult. Although the JR is a large ship, it can “get small” pretty quickly as one tries to navigate the ~125 staff, crew and scientists in limited space. Lastly, you are away from your family for a long time, and electronic communication with them can be spotty.

Nevertheless, we endeavor : )

Follow along with me as this expedition unfurls.

Next time, I’ll show you around the ship. So, stay tuned.


Frankie T

Frank Tepley III
I am an igneous petrologist interested in subvolcanic magma chamber processes and volcanic evolution. I work in the College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences at Oregon State University.
More articles by: Frank Tepley III

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JOIDES Resolution