Things that helped me get through the infamous week 6…
I have been blessed to experience the joys of working on a world-famous research vessel with some of the smartest, friendliest people on Earth for 12 hours a day, 7 days a week, in a close and confined space. As of September 13, 2015, everyone on this ship has worked for exactly 6 weeks: a total of 502 hours.
Before coming on the JR and even during the expedition, many scientists warned me about week 6 – after working 420+ hours, the mind and body start to rebel and sometimes you just have the blues. Of course, everyone was still very sociable and hardworking, but there was just no “umpf” – no spring in their steps. I’m not sure if it was just all in my head, but I did notice a slight decrease in energy in the science labs.
For me, week 6 definitely started out kinda rocky and SLOOOWWWW. Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday would. just. not. end. I must have checked the clock a million times in one hour. But, by Wednesday, I had found some remedies that made things so much better!
Here are a few things that helped me get through the dreaded week 6:
- Feats of Strength
Kara (our staff scientist) and Hannah (our curator) put together a super fun “olympics“. It was nice to go outside and run around in the sun with everyone. Tom recently wrote a blog post about it, so you should go check it out!
Tim Tams! – the winning team won a coveted caution tape sash and a whole lot of TIM TAMS! Thankfully they were nice enough to share with the whole crowd. (For those unfamiliar with this delicacy, Tim Tams are super delicious chocolate-covered chocolate biscuits with chocolate filling. Yes, be jealous.) Barbecue Day
This is actually a weekly (bi-weekly for us night shifters……) event on the ship. The catering crew throws together a meal outside for everyone. The food is delicious. The view is wonderful. Sometimes we even get a surprise visit from some marine life. Everyone is happy, so I am happy- TV time
After 12-hour shifts, nothing beats good ol’ TV time. It is nice to just shut your brain off from reality and stare mindlessly at a TV. - Cadbury Marvelous Creations Jelly Popping Candy Beanies
Thank you, Briony, for helping me find the love and light of my life. - Friends
Finally, I really could not have made it this far without my friends on board. I’ve mentioned Briony already, but there are a few others who I’ve clicked with immediately when I got on board. They make everyday enjoyable and interesting.

Is geology or just general sciences your cup of tea? Do you enjoy finding joys in the little things in life? Are you a ship fanatic and frequently have urges to yell “ahoy matey“? Then send us an email to find out how you can apply to become a part of the JR team! Or leave us a comment below and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!