We Finally Made It!

Darn that ghostwriter!  I really do submit daily operations reports that would fill more than a blog a day, but that crazy, unnamed shorebased editor needs to get with it or we’ll lose our audience all together! She knows I’m just giving her a hard time, but really…  In any case, after a month-long, 7487 nm transit,

a double equator and International Dateline crossing (that was fun), and numerous changes in our ETA, we rendevouzed with the Victoria harbor pilot (in nice button-down shirt and tie) at 0800 hrs this morning.  We had the first line ashore at Ogden Point, Berth A (de ja vu anyone?) at 0850 hr, and we can’t wait to get to shore for a little celebration and time on dry land.

Here are the final statistics.  Now, I know that transits just can’t be as exciting to you as expeditions, but we’ve still got posters and goodies to share, so use the comment function below to fill in the blanks.  For reasons of security, we promise, as usual, not to publish any names.

BTW, we’re at UTC-7.


Hobart to Victoria Transit
Previous 728 10
Today 148 24
Total 7409 9.8






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