Well, Well, Wellington
What a wonderful portcall! From press tours and activities for children at a nearby museum, to video conferences with teachers in Washington D.C. and more, the Wellington portcall was a resounding success.
Our thanks to all in New Zealand — yes Chris Hollis, that’s you and your team — and to the scientists and technicians on the ship — you are the best! Oh, and yes, a hearty round of applause to Adam Klaus, Steve Pekar, Andrew Trefethen, and Dan Brinkhuis for getting up at 4:00 a.m. (or earlier) on Wednesday for the video conference. It was an amazing experience.
Now, as the JR makes her way down to Wilkes Land, we thought our readers might want to see what they missed. We hope you enjoy this beautiful photo as much as we have. Wish I’d been there.
Happy sailing!
P.S. It may be Friday in Washington, but it’s early Saturday morning in Wellington — sailing day.