Science with a Little Bit of Humor

The Education team has a wall outside of our office where we place images, video feedback, notes, updates, etc to inform the scientists on board what we’re doing. It’s been quite effective, as we notice most people stop on their way out the door to see what’s new. We’ve come to find that it’s equally as important to reach the students all over the world as it is to tell the scientists here how important and impactful their work is. This wall is a way to let them see ‘immediate’ positive feedback. I know my knitting addiction is fueled by this same desire to see immediate progress with the work taking place.

Anyhow, every Sunday Jean-Luc, Susan, and I replace the images with new items and this week it was my turn. I’ve been working on a new edition of the Tales of the Resolution comic over the last few weeks, and it’s coming together nicely. I’ve been fortunate to have a lot of really great and willing models to pose and act silly to liven up the shots for each frame. Some of the photos are pretty funny on their own. And after staring at them for so long – assigning my own dialogue to them – I wanted to see some different perspectives. Taken out of context, with no additional images to tell the story, I wanted to see what captions the scientists would place on the photos. So, I put a number of them up on the wall and let people have at it.

Here’s what they had to say:


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JOIDES Resolution