12th January

It’s been another interesting but very long day (midnight now, working since 8.30am). Science presentations this morning. We’ve had some great presentations since we started the cruise, many of the scientists onboard have worked on Antarctica or in the Antarctic margins previously. While we have been sailing to the first site they have been generously sharing their insights and past discoveries, so that we all have a deeper understanding of the aims of the cruise.


This afternoon we practiced processing sediments cores through the core lab (see picture above, also pictured is Trevor Williams, IODP logging scientist, fellow Brit and Durham alumni). Many measurements and samples have to be taken quickly once the cores are recovered and we have to make sure we all know what we are doing, so that it gets done in an orderly and efficient way.

Weather: We just heard that the ship is making a change of course to avoid a low-pressure storm system heading our way. We’ll get some rough seas in the next few hours but avoid the worst of it hopefully. We’ve lucky to have our own dedicated meterologist on board…


–  What’s the food like?: Great. Tacos for lunch and mussels and chips for dinner.

–  What’s on lab stereo?: Neko Case – Fox Confessor Brings the Flood, Nirvana – Unplugged and the appropriate Stormy Weather by the Pixies.


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