24 Mar 2010 — King Neptune expected today!
We continue underway for Victoria B.C. on a north easterly course of 35° at an average speed of 9 knots (see challenge question below) with 130 turns on each shaft. We are experiencing a nominal 15 kt headwind and strong current off the starboard beam slowing our SOG. You might find it interesting to know we’re steering 45° to make good a 35° course. It’s kind of like being pushed sideways by a really big wind and having to make up for it by walking in a different direction. Know what I mean?
Midnight conditions: Heading: 44°; Max Wind: 14 kt @ 100°; Seas: 3 ft @ 4 sec period from 100°; Swells: 7 ft @ 8 sec period from 60°; Sea Water: 29.4°C; Barometer: steady @ 1008 Mb; Air: 28.5°C; Max Pitch: 1° @ 6 sec; Max Roll: 1° @ 6 sec. Partly cloudy skies. Good visibility with light winds and occasional rain showers.
His Royal Highness King Neptune, will board the ship later today. Clocks will also be retarded 24 hr at 2400 hr tonight to UTC -12.
Challenge Questions
1. During the last 24 hours we have traveled 251 Nm. What was our average SOG? What’s SOG anyway?
2. Why is King Neptune boarding the ship today? (Hint: See the ship’s location on our homepage.)
3. Why will our clocks be retarded 24 hrs at 2400 hr?
4. What do we mean by 2400 hr?
5. Finally, what is UTC-12?
We’ll send a JR poster to the first three students or classrooms who send the correct answer(s) through our comment function below. Don’t forget to include your school and teacher names and the school address; no worries, we will not publish school addresses!
Davey Jones boarded the JR to advise the ship’s compliment that a visitation by King Neptune and Royal Court is imminent tomorrow…