First few days at sea – Expedition 324

Hi everyone,

This is the second or third day at sea and everyone is settling in. I am trying the new shift (midnight to noon) a day early to get used to the change in activity.I also need to do this because I am waiting to hear from the University of the Virgin Islands to test the video conferencing with the ship.

We did a tour of the core deck machinery and equipment, it will definitely be interesting to see all of that in action (I brought ear plugs as well). Jerry Iturrino (pictured here) gave a talk earlier today on logging (not what lumberjacks do), and I think I am beginning to understand the process – its like doing a CTD profile, only instead of in the water column, the geological logging is profiling the rock/sediments surrounding the core. The whole group – crew, staff and scientists all are getting along very well, a great group of people, should be an excellent cruise.


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