JR Ambassador
You may wonder what happens to the JR Education Officer (EO) after the expedition. Well, after Expedition 353: Indian Monsoon I returned home to Washington DC and eagerly shared stories of my adventure at sea with everyone who would listen. Post-cruise the EO duties could include presenting at conferences such as the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) and American Geophysical Union (AGU). In addition I was asked to conduct inquiry-based outreach programming in my local community as a JR Ambassador. My ambassadorship allowed me to interact with learns in a range of learning settings. I conducted programs in schools, STEM clubs, Girls Inc, summer camps, Smithsonian Natural History Museum, and Natural History Museum of Martinsville VA.
During many of the programs learns go to take part in live broadcasts with the JR during Exp. 355: Arabian Sea Monsoon. Thanks to JR Staff Scientists Denise, Co-Chief Peter and others, students got to interact with scientists and take a virtual tour of the ship’s labs. After the live broadcast audiences got to try hands-on activities using teaching cores. Learners “became” sedimentologists, geologists, and/or micropaleontologists. As a JR Ambassador I have interacted with over 500 people and introduced them to STEM careers & climate change research.
My JR adventures continue as one of the Education Officers on Expedition 359: Maldives
Monsoon and Sea Level! I am excited to once again be on board the JR and
to share STEM with learners all over the world!