EXP391 CONTEST #1: Design your dream boat! (for K-12 only!)

Chief Naval Architect Douglas Deans


The votes are in! The following four submissions were selected by the participants of Expedition 391, as well as our very special guest judge, Douglas Deans. Douglas was the Chief Naval Architect at the Hawker Siddeley Halifax Shipyard when the JOIDES Resolution (then called SEDCO 471) was built.


Maite’s design


Theo’s design


Lucas’s design




The Contest

There are so many things that make the JOIDES Resolution incredible. If you take a moment to check out our social media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram), you can see the many different aspects of our life at sea: the drilling operations, the labs where we carry out our scientific investigations, and even the places around the ship where we can take some time to enjoy ourselves.

Now that you know all the reasons that the JOIDES Resolution is the science research vessel of our dreams, it’s time to design your own! For this contest, we want to know what YOUR ideal science research vessel would look like.


The Rules

  1. Think about what would make your IDEAL RESEARCH VESSEL. Consider what scientific capabilities your ship would have (ex: it could drill to Earth’s core!) as well the amenities that you think are crucial to enjoying life at sea (ex: waterslide, anyone?).
  2. Design your ship. You can write out your plan, draw it (by hand or digitally), create a collage, or even make a video. Be creative! All formats are accepted.
  3. Submit your design! Email it to “thejoidesresolution@gmail.com” by midnight on January 23rd. Make sure to include your name, age, and mailing address in the email.



The Process

After the deadline, submissions will be shared with Expedition 391 participants. We will select our top four submissions in each age bracket. Semi-finalist submissions will be posted to Twitter, where our public audience can vote for their favorite choice.


The Prizes

The first-place winner in each age bracket will win a JOIDES Resolution swag pack, including EXCLUSIVE Expedition 391 memorabilia. The runner-up in each age bracket will win a basic JOIDES Resolution swag pack.

Age Brackets

  • Under 12 years old
  • 13 to 18 years old


Feel free to reach out with any questions you have! You can leave a comment on this page, respond on our social media accounts, or send an email to thejoidesresolution@gmail.com

Disclaimer: This contest exists for the sole purpose of creativity and entertainment; submissions will have no influence over future modifications to the JOIDES Resolution or construction of a new ocean-drilling research vessel.


Maya Pincus
Maya is a science communicator in every sense of the word. When she is not at sea, she is at home in Brooklyn teaching Earth Science to high school students. In her free time she likes to hike, run, and climb whatever rocks are around.
More articles by: Maya Pincus

1 Comment

  1. It was encouraging to learn that a new generation of Ocean scientists has made use of SEDCO 471 after its 2008 update. The Drillship was built at Hawker Siddeley, Halifax Shipyard in 1977-78. I was the Chief Naval Architect. and recall that Launch which was at night due to a major Atlantic storm that disrupted the published Tide Tables for that day.

    I would be honored to be included as a guest on the panel that is evaluating the Dream Boat K12 competition.

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JOIDES Resolution