A great moment of exchange between japanese schools and SOR


Our colleagues Nohirito Kawamra and Yasuhiro Taguchi, science teachers have organized a video conference with theyr schools in Japan (Sasebo-nishi and Kan-onji Daiichi High Schools).

It was a special lesson about the ocean ridge directly from the Joides Resolution.



How to understand the volcanic and hydrothermal activities studied by the scientific expeditions of JR ? How to understand the stratigraphy of ocean crust ?

Let me describe some moments of this very interesting conference.

> Movement of plates and boundaries


The ocean ridge is the spreading boundary of plates based on subaqueous volcanism, seismic activity, and eruption of basalt.


But we have to consider some thousand kilometers farther the subduction boundary ( on the north west american coast for Juan de Fuca plate).

> Ocean ridges and ocean floor sediments

The 321 T expedition is working mainly on the ocean crust and hydrothermal activities.

Some explanations of the chymneys amd the ‘black smokers’ have been done with a very visual illustration by Katie.

Then, it was time to explain why it is important to explore the contents of the sediments. We can finf some microfossils like the Foramiferans.

And, when we analyse the sediment and the fossils, we can understand a little more better some aspects of the climate change

> Significance of science research

The lesson finished by interesting questions from the students, and with some messages sent by some participants of School of Rock. I am very proud to have been invited to send a french and friendly message to the japanese students.

The most important part of my message was … that we shall need, in the future, young scientists in France, in Europe, in Japan, in the world !. So, I hope that, in the high schools, students will find a strong interest in earth science and they were be able to joign the scientific communauty.

All the school of Rock was there to participate to this video conference. I would like to congratulate, once more time, Norihito and Yasuhiro, my two japanese colleagues aboard the JR for this initiative. And also, thanks a lot the team of School of Rock to give me this opportunity for this great moment.


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