Actvity Summary: This comic booklet, developed by Outreach Officer Karen Romano Young, explores the West Antarctic Ice Sheet History and its significance on future climate change

A team of 116 ship crew, scientists, technicians, and communicators took to the Amundsen Sea, Antarctica’s fastest-warming sea aboard the JOIDES Resolution on Expedition 379: Amundsen Sea West Antarctic Ice Sheet History. Over the course of their two-month mission, they drilled two sites beneath the seabed to bring home sediment samples that are millions of years old, in order to recreate the history of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS).

This comic booklet, developed by Outreach Officer Karen Romano Young, takes you on the journey aboard the JR during the expedition. Karen is an award-winning children’s author and illustrator, deep-sea diver, and polar explorer, an Outreach and Expedition Specialist for ocean science. Read more of her comics created during the expedition.

Want to know more about the the jobs on the JOIDES Resolution? Read through our blogs and educational resources!

Want to know more about Antarctica? Visit the Expedition 379 webpage to read blogs from scientists on this mission. Watch the trailer here!



  • Standard E: Earth and space science
  • Standard F: Science and technology

  • Cause and effect
  • Scale, proportion, quantity
  • Stability and change

  • ESS2. D Weather and climate
  • ESS3.D Global climate change