Three women posing next to a penguin mascot. The ship's gangway in the back reads JOIDES RESOLUTION.

All Aboard!

This entry is written by Debbie Thomas, co-chief scientist of Expedition 378. It comes from her Expedition 378 Odyssey blog, which can be found here.

A few days ago, the science party and the ship’s crew officially arrived at the JR, rounding out the Expedition 378 team! After the newcomers had a chance to find their cabins and unpack, we began the first set of orientation meetings in the science conference room.

30 or so people sitting in chairs in a conference room. Several are smiling at the camera, others are chatting or looking at the front of the room.
I wish I could describe the incredible enthusiasm and high spirits of the Exp. 378 science party but I’ll do my best to capture it in photos throughout the cruise.
Expedition 378 is first time in ~35 years of JR operations that an all female team leads the science efforts. I hope I heard some whoops…! We each earned our respective roles through our accomplishments and leadership ability, and we are honored to serve as role models for aspiring students and early career scientists of all backgrounds. Careers in the geosciences are highly rewarding and critical to the sustainability of our environment and resources. But it is equally important that the diversity of the geosciences workforce represents the diversity of our society.

Not only are the Expedition Project Manager (Laurel) and both co-chiefs (Ulla and I) women, but our Laboratory Officer also is female! Lisa Crowder joined the JOIDES Resolution Science Operator 19 years ago and we sailed together on ODP Leg 198 (my first, her second expedition). Lisa’s role as Laboratory Officer is to oversee the safety and operation of all the shipboard laboratories. These facilities are mission critical to every expedition, as you’ll see in upcoming posts.

A woman surrounded by lab equipment. She is talking while another woman to the side listens.
Lisa in her wheelhouse during our lab orientation tour.

The three expedition co-chiefs, Debbie, Ulla, and Laurel, all posing with a penguin mascot. A small green stuffed animal named Little Cthulu sits on the mascot's arm. The gangway behind them reads JOIDES RESOLUTION.
The rest of the female leadership team – LC asked us to pose with Patrick.
After two days in port, we departed Fiji around 0730!! During our transit to the drill site, to be officially designated Site U1553, the science team is busy learning their roles and how to perform their analytical duties. We are all focused on how to leverage the expertise of every member of the science party to maximize the scientific impact of the cores we recover from Site U1553.
Until the next time,

An image of the Texas A&M flag hanging from the ship.
Gig ’em, Aggies!!!

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JOIDES Resolution