Exp359.25thOct. Downhole measurements! A small lab in a hole !!!
Drilling operations on the site 1466B ceased around 9am today and logging will start in the evening. Downhole measurements will complete core…
Exp359. 24th Oct. Why are they looking for fossils ?!
When they have a core of deep sea sediments , the scientists have to make an age determination. How might…
Exp359. JOIDES. 22nd Oct. Why these deepths ?
The drill string was lowered to the seafloor with the RCB in the afternoon for a seafloor depth of 528…
EXP359. JOIDES Resolution: Night and Day / le bilan de cette 1ère journée (et nuit!) de forage.
Exp359. 19th Oct. Le JOIDES Resolution est sur le 1er site de forage: suite !!
Exp359. 19th Oct. Le JOIDES Resolution est sur le 1er site de forage!
Exp359. 18th Oct. 20:00pm. Le JOIDES Resolution prêt à appareiller pour le 1er site de forage.
Exp359. 18th Oct. Terre !!!
6 in the morning! I saw the islands ! Those of the night shift had to see the first one…
Exp 359. 15thOct. We crossed the equator !!
JOIDES Resolution passed the equator at 18:13. We are on the end of our transit and we should arrive in Maldives…