Kazushi “Kuro” Kuroki

Lab Officer
University of Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan
Marine Science
I first sailed with IODP/ODP 1987. I’ve sailed with the JOIDES Resolution about 40 times. I work in the core lab, thin section lab, downhole lab, fantail and fulfill other general purposes.
I’ve also worked on the JR’s sister ship, the Japanese scientific drilling vessel “Chikyu” for 7 years.
On the ship there isn’t much more to do besides work and eat. In my off time I do some stretching exercises. I like to e-mail my family.
I remember my first cruise. It started just after I graduated from the university and I only spoke a little bit of English. So I learned a lot of English from the crew during that cruise. Special thanks to Bubba, who was and is still the core tech. There were a lot of great technicians, scientists and ship’s crew who helped me through a rough 75 days on that cruise. That cruise was Leg 114 that we started from the Falkland Islands and traveled to Mauritius. Back then there was no internet or e-mail. We were all alone.

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