Double-header video broadcast day!
Today was a great day for video broadcasting live from the Atlantis! We did our first program this morning to the North Museum in Lancaster, PA. This program was hosted by Jim Ringlein, who is a curator there. We had three special guest stars: Katrina and Gus – a scientist and graduate student from the University of Southern California – and Amy, the third mate on Atlantis. We did the shoot up in the bridge, so the participants could see out into the ocean and catch a glimpse of all the nautical instruments and tools in this main command center for the ship.
This afternoon we did a program to the Seymour Center, in Santa Cruz, California. I hosted this program, with Andy Fisher, our chief scientist, and Katie Inderbitzen, another graduate student, as our guests. Andy was able to tell the audience about one of his major accomplishments of the expedition so far – successfully deploying the flowmeter on our subseafloor observatory yesterday and verifying that it was working. This was a tool that took years to develop, so it is a major success indeed! Everyone at the Seymour Center was very excited for us!
Doing these live programs is so much fun because we get a chance to share our enthusiasm and our scientific process live with lots of different folks back on shore. Tune in over the next few days to here more about our next groups!