Expedition 336 Comic Book Art
Mid-cruise comics: We’re coming up on “Hump Day,” the exact middle of our expedition, so it’s time for another chance to win an Adopt-a-Microbe T-shirt! I’d love to see your graphical interpretation of our cruise so far…comic book style. You can illustrate your favorite scene from one of our blogs or videos, or include several events in your strip. It can be funny or dramatic, realistic or cartoonish…be creative! Your comic-book-style illustration must fit on one 8.5 x 11 paper, but can be broken into as many segments as you’d like. It can be drawn by hand or computer. Don’t forget to check out JR’s own comic book, “Tales of the Resolution!”
Contest details: Submit your illustration in an email to thejoidesresolution (AT) gmail (DOT) com, no later than Friday night, November 11. Entries will be posted on the JR website. One entry will be selected at random and the artist will win an Adopt-a-Microbe T-shirt! Winner will be announced on Monday, November 14. Prize will be sent from Deep Earth Academy.