Juan de Fuca Cementing Operations

Expedition 321T cemented reentry cones around subseafloor borehole observatories in Holes U1301A and U1301B in order to seal the systems and permit later completion of long-term hydrogeologic, monitoring, and sampling experiments. There was no scientific program during Expedition 321T; only observatory sealing operations were conducted.

Exp 321T was also the host for the School of Rock 2009 – Deep Earth Academy’s signature teacher workshop. During the transit, 15 teachers from the U.S., Japan, Portugal and France investigated various water related processes, using examples of cores and data mostly from the eastern Pacific Ocean. They performed the same investigative process that scientists routinely follow during IODP expeditions through a discovery-based methodology, and prepared to replicate this process with their students at home.

The “Rockers” conducted two investigations on paleoceanography – changes in temperature, circulation, nutrients, etc., in the oceans, and the forces that may cause them. One focuses on modern and late Pleistocene oceanography and the geologic/paleontologic tools used to reconstruct ocean conditions. The other focused on an abrupt paleoceanographic event from millions of years ago. They learned to run geochemical, paleontological and sedimentological analyses, as well as to interpret various other data sets to combine into an overall paleoceanographic interpretation.

The teachers also explored the interactions of ocean water with ocean sediments and crustal rocks in at least three different geologic settings. They ran physical experiments, used various analytical tools on board the JOIDES Resolution, and used data sets collected both on and off the ship to understand the importance of water-rock interactions on large scale geologic processes.


Jennifer Collins

I have been in love with the ocean ever since 4th grade because the school librarian would let me take home filmstrips of Jacques Cousteau and the deep-sea world. I was in awe of what was yet to be discovered. This interest, along with frequent visits to the Cal Academy in SF, prompted me to get a degree in Zoology from UC Davis, though I got side tracked into Sports Science for awhile. My passion for education came as a surprise my Jr. year in college, when I was randomly invited to serve as a math tutor at a summer school in Kent CT. This is where I met Sebastian, a challenging child that asked me “Why do you care so much? Nobody else does” after the umpteenth time of trying to positively redirect him away from sticking pencils into the fan and towards some basic algebra. He eventually got himself expelled from the program (not the first time he had been expelled), but his words have stuck and inspired me throughout my career.

I currently work on formal and informal programming at Deep Earth Academy to bring scientific ocean drilling science to students, teachers, and the public. I am really looking forward to this expedition with such an impressive group of participants and fabulous instructors and crew!  Before coming to this job, I taught middle school and high school science and math, worked at the Museum of Paleontology at UC Berkeley on projects such as Explorations Through Time, the Understanding Evolution website, and Understanding Science website, and developed curriculum and museum materials for different folks. In my free time I work on efforts to bridge the gap between the science community, educators, and the public through the Coalition on the Public Understanding of Science.  I love to travel, and because my husband is a marine biologist, have gotten to go to many great places to do science with a diversity of scientists.  Other random stuff; one of my life goals is to run in every state in the US, and on every continent; I have two amazing kids; the Muppets absolutely terrify me and are banned from our house; I am not a sci-fi fan at all, but got obsessed with the new Battle Star Galactica series!; I have no idea if I will get sea sick on this expedition!

Peggy Delaney

Steve Hovan

For someone who has lived in the Midwest most of his life, I manage to get my share of sea time.  I’ve sailed on four previous expeditions involving scientific ocean drillings (ODP Legs 138, 167, 199 and IODP Exp321) and on numerous coring/geophysical survey cruises.  I currently serve on the faculty of Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP) where I’ve enjoyed teaching undergraduate students about geology and oceanography for the past 15 years.  My love of the oceans began by accident during my freshman year of college at the University of Michigan when I enrolled in a “elective course” in Oceanography.  During my sophomore year I experienced by first sea-going adventure when I sailed from New England to Barbados aboard the Westward during a semester at sea program.  Since then I’ve never thought twice about any other career.  My research is focused on atmospheric dust and how sedimentary records of dust help us understand ancient wind patterns and climate changes.  At first, my research dealt mainly with glacial cycles of dust transported to the North Pacific downwind from the Asian continents, but recently I’ve been studying equatorial trade winds and how they’ve migrated to different latitudes during major shifts in global climate.

Currently I serve as the Chair of the Geoscience Department at IUP.  I teach courses in general meteorology, oceanography and climate change and mentor several students with budding interests in oceanography.  The School of Rock is a fantastic program and I’m eagerly looking forward to being part of it with you this fall!

Kris Ludwig

My curiosity for marine geology began when I was a high school student and participated in my first ocean research expedition to study hydrothermal vents in the Gulf of California. Since then, I’ve had the chance to sail on different research vessels in the Pacific, Atlantic, and Southern Oceans and have used a variety of tools to explore the ocean floor including remotely operated vehicles and the ALVIN submarine. I have a Ph.D. in Oceanography from the University of Washington (UW) and a B.S. in Earth Systems from Stanford University. At UW, my research focused on the formation and evolution of hydrothermal vents at the Lost City Hydrothermal Field, located near the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Prior to graduate school, I worked as a Marine Science Technician for Raytheon Polar Services Company onboard research vessels in Antarctica.

I currently work at Ocean Leadership as the Communications Manager for scientific ocean drilling programs. Most of my work focuses on promoting the accomplishments and goals of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) and my responsibilities include science writing, public relations, and congressional outreach surrounding IODP. I’ve had a long-standing interest in science communication and education that began when I worked with the JASON Project to co-host science education television broadcasts, which aired online and on the National Geographic Channel. Before moving to Washington, DC, I managed an international ocean education and research program called “Around the Americas” at Seattle’s Pacific Science Center. I’m originally from Denver, Colorado and enjoy skiing, hiking, and cooking in my free time.

Having attended several port calls over the past year, I’m looking forward to having the opportunity to sail on the JOIDES Resolution and work with the School of Rock team. See you in Victoria!

Emily Powell

Emily Powell works with the US Science Support Program (USSSP) associated with the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program at the Consortium for Ocean Leadership in Washington, DC.  USSSP provides support to US scientists participating in IODP. Emily focuses her time on maintaining the active scientific community as well as engaging new participants in IODP, particularly increasing the level of diversity within the program and marine geosciences in general. Emily leads the partnership between Ocean Leadership and a professional development program for minority students in the earth sciences (MSPHD¹S) and is always seeking new ideas and partnerships to connect diverse students with the geosciences and engage them in the program.

Emily earned a Bachelor of Science at the University of Delaware in environmental science and wildlife conservation and is currently pursuing a Masters of Science in environmental science and policy at Johns Hopkins University. Her primary interests are in sea turtle conservation and environmental education in under-developed countries. However, she has focused the past five years on professional development, program management, and networking within the science community in Washington, DC.

Mary Reagan

My interest in geology started with astronomy. I went to Wheaton College in Norton, MA for undergrad. That’s where I studied history and astronomy. But unlike my professor, my interest wasn’t in stellar astronomy but in planetary astronomy. Since most of the planetary work is done in geology and geophysics departments rather than physics and astronomy, I went the geology route when I was applying for graduate school. I was also interested in remote sensing, which isn’t surprising given my background in astronomy. Of course, since my undergrad training didn’t include geology, I had a lot a ground to make up quickly once I got to grad school.  I went to Purdue University in West Lafayette, IN where I studied isostasy on Venus using gravity data.

Unfortunately when I graduated there weren’t many jobs available for planetary geophysicists, so I worked for a short time at what is now called the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency. That was my introduction to the marine sciences through my work in the bathymetry group. Then it was on to the Ocean Drilling Program, and I’ve been here ever since. I started out at Ocean Leadership back when it was called Joint Oceanographic Institutions. I’m now at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory as the Deputy Director of Operations at the Borehole Research Group. We are the folks who do the downhole logging after the core has been collected. We won’t be collecting any log data on this expedition, but we’re bringing along some data that we collected in previous cruises to the area so you’ll get a chance to work with it and see how it relates to the data collected from the cores. While I’ve been to lots of port calls, I haven’t sailed on the ship since Leg 149. I’m really looking forward to getting back to sea.

Scott Slough

I serve as an Associate Professor of Science Education in the Department of Teaching, Learning and Culture at Texas A&M University. Most of my professional life has included some participation at some level with science education. I emphasized the SCIENCE side of science education when I was responsible of quality control and environmental safety at a wood preservation plant and taught in the Department of Chemistry at Sam Houston State University and the Department of Natural Sciences at University of Houston-Downtown. I emphasized the EDUCATION side of science education as a junior high science teacher and coach, teaching in the Department of Early Childhood Education and Reading at Georgia Southern University, and my current position at Texas A&M.  One critical component of my current job is my affiliation with the Ocean Drilling and Sustainable Earth Sciences (ODASES) http://odases.tamu.edu/ initiative at Texas A&M, which allows me to balance the two sides of SCIENCE EDUCATION through programs such as the School of Rock.

As a science education researcher, I am interested in technology-supported learning in STEM, Project-Based Learning, visualization (including the integration of graphics and text, program evaluation, and informal science learning. Informal science learning is the least developed of my research interests, so I am excited about the opportunities for this year’s SOR. I have been involved – at some level – with all of the previous incarnations of the SOR and look forward to this year’s expedition.

I have a BSF in Forest Management (emphasis in Wood Technology) from Stephen F. Austin State University, Science Composite Teacher’s Certification, MEd in Secondary Education, and MS in Chemistry from Sam Houston State University, and an EdD in Science Education from University of Houston.


Russ Billings

Jim Brey

Jim Brey is the Director of the Education Program of the American Meteorological Society since May, 2008. Prior to that he was a Professor of Geography and Geology at the University of Wisconsin Fox Valley. He has been active in delivering AMS K-12 DataStreme courses to teachers in Wisconsin and a leader in the development and offering of the AMS Weather Studies and Ocean Studies undergraduate courses. He contributed to the development of AMS Weather Studies and DataStreme Water in the Earth System.  He participated in the ORION conferences focusing on ocean education issues and served on the IOOS Key Messages and Themes Committee. He considers himself to be a broad field earth system scientist and geographer. Brey is considered an expert in progressive educational delivery methods and the latest in pedagogical and technical innovation. He also is committed to further development of the AMS Education Program’s weather and ocean studies workshops for faculty of minority serving institutions. His research interests include new education and training approaches, work force development in STEM fields, effects of climatological hazards on subtropical agricultural production systems, paleoclimate of the Great Lakes region just after the Pleistocene and the use of Geographical Information Systems in hazard mitigation, telecommunications and agriculture. Brey obtained his Bachelors, Masters and Ph.D. degrees in geography from the University of Wisconsin – Madison.

Patrice Ceisel

A photographer by training, Patrice has worked in informal education and video production most of her professional life. She brings twenty years of experience helping cultural and scientific institutions reach their audiences through engaging media programs. Her work has appeared on Animal Planet, PBS, all of the major news stations, in exhibitions at the Museum of Science and Industry and the Shedd Aquarium, in classrooms, as well as being distributed to every public library in Illinois. She has been on teams developing communication plans, full-scale exhibitions, informal learning programs, and television commercials. She has worked on expeditions to the Amazon, Philippines, Hong Kong, Canada, and innumerable Caribbean locations, often documenting underwater as well as topside. She appreciates an opportunity to develop engaging programming about complex subjects.

Diane DeBaise

Diane DeBaise is a high school biology and earth science teacher for Commonwealth Connections Academy, a cyber school located in Pennsylvania, USA.  Her educational background includes a bachelor’s of science degree in nutrition and a master of science degree in biology. Diane has worked as a high school biology teacher for the past 5 years. Prior to that, she was  a registered clinical dietitian for 20 years and taught biology and food science at the college level at various institutions. This career change from the medical field to teaching came about by a need to live closer to nature and to teach the future guardians of our planet the importance of understanding the science behind our earth system, in order to preserve it. Diane resides with her husband, John Marzka  and her son Riley in Sinking Springs, Pennsylvania.

David Edwards

Prior to university I was a mountain walks leader introducing people to the natural history and splendour of the Lake District mountains. Decided it¹d be really cool if I could tell them about the rocks too and so I eventually graduated from Edinburgh University with honors geology. Then worked as an expedition science leader in Botswana and the Yukon, as a field studies tutor teaching geology and geography on the island of Arran, and for the Royal Geographical Society as their University Expeditions Advisor.

I had a spell working as a ranger in the Grand Canyon, presenting environmental education programs with the National Park Service, and then worked in the Caribbean on a biodiversity survey of Montserrat (timed perfectly to coincide with the eruptions wiping out our field areas…) I was the Director of Studies for Edinburgh University¹s Global Environmental Change international summer school for a few years, and also worked with the National Trust for Scotland producing environmental education resources.

I was for many years a lecturer in environmental sustainability for the University of Glasgow. I¹m now the Effective Learning Tutor for the University of the West of Scotland and the University of Glasgow at their Dumfries campus in the south of Scotland, and I¹m a lecturer on the environment for the Open University. I am also a facilitator for Keele University’s Earth Science Education Unit.
My hobbies include mountaineering and skiing. Looking forward to this trip mightily!

Don Duggan-Haa

I have travelled widely in the educational system, having taught from grade school to grad school, in rural, suburban and urban public schools and in small, private colleges, Land Grant universities and in the Ivy League.  I’m happily now working primarily with in-service teachers of Earth System science; engaging with them in professional development and in curriculum materials development.  One way to describe my job is that I work with my colleagues thinking of cool things teachers should do, convincing funding agencies that we’re right, and then helping teachers do those cool things.  I think that will make me fit in well at the School of Rock.

I am the Education Research Associate at The Paleontological Research Institution and its Museum of the Earth in Ithaca, NY. I’ve taught at Colgate, Cornell, and Michigan State Universities, Kalamazoo College, and Tapestry and Norwich (New York) High Schools.  My work in science teacher education, teacher professional development and curriculum materials development marries deep understandings of how people learn with deep understandings of the Earth system.  I also have long worked on strengthening relationships among scientists, teachers and teacher educators as is evidenced by the title of my dissertation: Scientists are from Mars, Educators Are from Venus: Relationships in the Ecology of Science Teacher Preparation.

The primary goal of the project that currently occupies most of my time is to help teachers teach about local and regional Earth system science in an inquiry-based way.  One of our strategies is to engage teachers in the creation of Virtual Fieldwork Experiences (VFEs).  See: http://virtualfieldwork.org/.  I’ll be working on an ocean-based VFE during my time on the JOIDES Resolution.

I was raised in Clarence, NY, near Buffalo.  After 25 years away in various places in New York and Michigan, I returned with my family to Western New York in 2007, in part to allow my daughters to get to know their grandmother.  I now telecommute from my home in Amherst, NY to the Museum of the Earth in Ithaca.

Patti Gallagher-Jones

I remember as far back as 1st grade, taking my empty quart milk container Santa Claus to school, the teachers loved it and then made everyone else make one. I had just finished a troubadour costume for my troll doll and took one of my dad’s paint mixing sticks from the garage and envisioned carving a section of it into a mandolin to complete the costume, I also cut off straight pins to use the heads as little posts for the strings.  Wasn’t everyone looking around and making things at that age to play with? Where did I even see what a troubadour costume looked like? Even typing it now I’m not even sure what it is, and a mandolin? Why did I get ideas and what to create something from them?

I surely thought everyone must do this, but as I took more of my creations to school the teachers thought it would be so nice for the entire class to make them also. Announcing to the class, look what Patti made, I received even more glares of disapproval from the other children. What do we observe that triggers the creative process and why? I have no idea, but this is how I think and you can’t seem to turn it off.

My love of nature and especially the ocean start to appear and now being a self proclaimed MEA, marine education advocate, I decided to use my talents for public outreach and education, to enhance the excitement of discovery in education.
I worked for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for 15 years in Alaska as a Visual Information specialist, then as a volunteer for the Alaska SeaLife Center where I developed an in-house graphics system to create and  print displays and signage for the center, which resulted in savings and an immediate source to create whatever was needed to enhance the learning process.  I was then presented with an opportunity to volunteer on Midway Atoll as the US Navy was leaving and giving Midway to the US Fish and Wildlife Service for Refuge status. There I created the first materials for public outreach for the Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge. Now in Hawaii I volunteer for the Waikiki Aquarium creating educational materials and search out other opportunities to put my talents to work.  I have recently created display materials for Ocean Leadership, Deep Earth Academy on the KTcore discoveries from one the JOIDES Resolution Expeditions.

During the 2010 School of Rock I hope to stimulate ideas for education and public outreach and provide graphic support to educators.

Ken Hamner

Kenneth Hamner is a science instructor at Smoky Hill High School, Aurora, Colorado, currently teaching students AP Biology; IB Biology and Honors Biology. He has run juggling and National Ocean Science Bowl clubs at Smoky Hill as well. He received a Bachelor Degrees in Biology and Microbiology from Colorado State University and a Masters Degree in Genetics from the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK. Ken worked in several chemical and biological science labs until beginning his current teaching assignment six years ago. Travel experiences include Northern Europe (Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Great Britain, Ireland, and Iceland), Australia, Hawaii and various other US locations. Hobbies include juggling, drumming and other musical pursuits, writing, stop motion photography, bicycling, krav maga and gaming. Ken is especially excited about being on a boat drilling for good instead of evil.

Sabreena Kasbati

I am a Marine Science Educator at the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach, California.  I have worked there for 3 years developing, teaching, and coordinating school, public, camp, and teacher programs.  I enjoy the variability and excitement of working with all age and grade groups.  It is extremely rewarding to be able to educate so many people on unique forms of underwater life, how the oceans impact us, how we impact the ocean, and stewardship for our environment.

I hold a BA in Biological Sciences from the University of California, Irvine.  My study abroad program in Australia focusing on marine biology and ecology and rainforest ecology assured my passion for the sciences, especially ocean sciences.  It took my childhood interests of snorkeling, body boarding, and other outdoor interests forward into creating a life-long, happy friendship with marine sciences.  I have always loved the environment, especially the ocean.  Why not make it my life?

I studied shark skin biomechanics in college.  After college, I interned for dolphin behavior and whale behavior research at various organizations.  I did some naturalist work and teaching at the high school level.  All of these experiences combined led me to the aquarium to utilize all of them.  Now I get to pass on my love of the ocean to others.  I am ecstatic and honored to experience the School of Rock journey aboard the JOIDES Resolution and share the experience and new knowledge.

“Let your mind start a journey through a strange new world.  Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before.  Let your soul take you where you long to be…Close your eyes, let your spirit start to soar, and you’ll live as you’ve never lived before.”  ~Erich Fromm

Jill Katzenburger

Jill Katzenberger is a School Programs Project Coordinator at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. She holds a B.S. in Environmental Studies with an emphasis in Conservation Biology.  Jill taught 8th grade science at Denver Public Schools before beginning her career in informal science education in 2002.  She has been coordinating the development and revision of all DMNS school programming for the past 6 years, including outreach assemblies and shows such as The Good, The Bad, and the Ucky, awarded most innovative health program in the country in 2007 by the National Association of Health Science Education; and JeopEARTHy, an interactive game show focusing on the interconnectedness of the Earth’s systems.  She works closely with exhibit developers, graphic designers, illustrators, and prop fabricators to continue to improve the quality of museum programs, materials, and visuals. She is well versed in the informal educational theory and has been an integral part of developing a science framework for DMNS to ensure the quality and effectiveness of future programming.  Jill has presented on program development at the Association of Science and Technology Conference, the Colorado Alliance for Environmental Education Conference, and the Colorado Social Studies Association Convention.  In her spare time, Jill is also a professional aerial acrobat, performing and teaching aerial dance throughout the state of Colorado.

Bob King

Bob King graduated from Vanderbilt University as a math major.  He worked for E.I. Dupont as a mathematician and later co- owned a company as a third party administrator for insurance.  He was called into teaching, and has taught all levels of math.  This last year, he taught precalculus, physics, scientific research, honors advanced math, as well as helped coach the high school and middle school Science Olympiad teams. Bob received the Presidential Award of Excellence for Mathematics and Science Teaching in 2007.  He also received the Ptero Award for his contributions to Earth Science in Tennessee.  Bob is a member of the National Earth Science Teachers Association and just completed a two-year term as their director for the Southeastern region.  Bob has a master’s degree from Tennessee Technological University, as well as 30 years of teaching experience in Tennessee public and private schools.

Bob attended the 2007 School of Rock (SOR) and returned the following year as a TA for SOR.  Both experiences took place at the Gulf Coast Repository in College Station, so he’s looking forward to Expedition 328 Cascadia SOR on the JOIDES Resolution.  He has two activities online at School of Rock: “Magnets at the Core”, and one he helped co-develop, called “Mohawk guy and his Band of Microfossil Friends”.  Bob has presented integrated, inquiry-based activities he developed at science and math conferences, locally, state, regionally, and nationally every year since 2001.  Bob has traveled extensively through the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, and Belize. He’s been married to his life long partner in learning, Tina, for 36 years.  They have two sons that graduated with majors in science.  Ryan is currently working on his doctorate in geology at the University of Alberta with field research in Utah.  Matt is currently working at Denali National Park as a bear technician and park ranger.

Maria Lazo

Kimberly Novak

I am currently teaching Earth Science at Madison High School as well as Anatomy at the A-B Technical College in Asheville NC, USA.  I previously taught IB Biology at International Schools in Japan, England, and Peru.   I love sharing science because we get to play with so many ‘toys’!
I received my Bachelors of Science from Georgia Southern, my Masters of Science from University of Texas in Arlington, and my teaching certification from the State University of West Georgia.

My hobbies include caving and traveling.

I am excited about joining the Joides Research Team in September 2010 to discover something new about this amazing planet we call home!

Jean Noel Puig

I grow up in the Mediterranean region near to the Pyrenees. I made my studies in the University Paul Sabatier in Toulouse. Graduate in biogeography and landscape development, I teach biology and geology at Marguerite of Navarre College in Pau, small city at the foot of the Pyrenees. I have in the classroom students aged 11 to 16. I am also responsible for coordination and pedagogical animation any my area (approximately 30 to 40 teachers). I belong to the team of academic trainers and I am speaking in different workshop.

I am involved in two projects with my students.

On the one hand the Calisph’air / GLOBE in connection with the CNES and NASA. We are working on the condition and evolution of the atmosphere, primarily on the role of aerosols in the energy balance of the atmosphere. I work for this in relation with two US scientists Paul ADAMS University FORT HAYES Kansas and Dianne ROBINSON sciences Professor at the Chair of the Interdisciplinary Center (ISC) Science at the University of Hampton Virginia.

On the other hand Sismos a scholl / Eduséis at the project from which we develop and vulgarize for our students activities around seismology. This work relies on a global network of seismometers centralized “Geosciences Azur” and the “Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris”. I practice sailing on the Atlantic Ocean coasts of Britany but also climbing.

Andrea Swensrud

Andrea currently lives in windy, foggy, beautiful San Francisco, but is a southern California girl at heart. She loves being outdoors and spending time at the beach and in the water—particularly if it’s warm.  She taught, developed and managed marine science and environmental education programs in Aspen, Catalina Island and the San Francisco Bay Area before landing in her role at KQED Public Media. Andrea joined KQED three years ago to develop resources and coordinate educational outreach for the public television series Jean-Michel Cousteau: Ocean Adventures. She now works on QUEST, KQED’s science, nature and environment series. One of her favorite aspects of her job is working with science educators, providing training on how to use and create multimedia with students. Andrea holds a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science from UC Berkeley and earned her M.A. in Teaching from the University of San Francisco.

John Van Hoesen

I grew up in the Helderberg Mountains of upstate NY surrounded by Devonian limestone filled with trilobites, tentaculites, coral, and brachiopod fossils.  These critters provided inspiration to become a paleontologist when I was 7 years old but I changed my mind a few times about what I ‘wanted to be’ during college.  I eventually completed a BS in geology at the University of Albany, focusing on the geochemistry of surface waters, then an MS in geochemistry of soils  and PhD in glacial and periglacial geomorphology from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.  I have worked for the USGS, the Canadian Geological Survey, the Vermont Geological Survey, and I am currently an Associate Professor of Geology and Environmental Studies at Green Mountain College in rural Vermont.

I teach a wide variety of traditional courses ranging from Intro to Geology, Natural Disasters, Climate Dynamics, Soils, and GIS – but I have also taught Geology in Film, Geology of Western National Parks, and co-taught Environmental Biogeology of Hawaii.  My research interests lie in geomorphology and using digital mapping techniques to help visualize landscape-scale surficial processes.

When I’m not ‘rocking out’ I enjoy traveling, telemark skiing, woodworking, photography, and learning new things – I’m currently working on the banjo and single scull rowing.

Amy Work

My current position is the Education Coordinator for the Institute for the Application of Geospatial Technology (IAGT) at Cayuga Community College in Auburn, New York. I work with K-12 teachers and college faculty members in New York and across the country to increase spatial thinking in students by integrating geospatial technologies (GIS, GPS, Google Earth, and remote sensing) into their teaching environments. I am also a senior researcher for the National Geospatial Technology Center, which provides leadership, expertise, resources, and professional development opportunities to community college faculty and their students. Originally from Ohio, I moved to Syracuse, NY to complete my MA in Geography.

As an Education Coordinator I am responsible for managing and coordinating all geospatial education events and activities. I coordinate the Teaching with Spatial Technology (TwiST) Workshop, oversee the design and development of a customized geospatial tool that provides teachers access to geospatial data for the state of New York, place high school students in geospatial internships across the Finger Lakes Region, and develop lessons using GIS to explore wind and solar energy across New York.

I have worked with four community colleges and universities in New York to incorporate geospatial technologies into different disciplines across the campuses. I recently took a group of five college students on a 10 day research experience to Panama to explore how the Water Center for the Humid Tropics and Latin America (CATHALAC) uses geospatial technology to explore the impacts of climate change across the Mesoamerica Region.  I have also assisted with workforce development needs, by supporting the development of geospatial content to provide workforce training to individuals participating in the wine industry in New York State.

In my free time, I like to travel, hike and run. I am looking forward to this experience. I hope to take what I learn about deep ocean drilling and apply the use of geospatial technologies to explore and share our marine environments with others.

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