School of Rock 2014: Understanding Earth Through Ocean Cores
- Increase educator knowledge of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP), Earth science, and ocean drilling processes, while highlighting related STEM (science, technology, education, and math) careers
- Make educators aware of how IODP Earth science research relates to
- National Science Education Standards, Ocean Literacy Principles, and societal relevance by focusing on one or more of the IODP science plan themes;
- Climate and ocean change: reading the past, informing the future
- Biosphere frontiers: deep life and environmental forcing of evolution
- Earth connections: deep processes and their impact on Earth’s surface environment
- Earth in motion: processes and hazards on human time scales
- Provide educators with an opportunity to:
- Participate in a seagoing experience on a scientific drilling vessel, or to replicate these experiences in a shore-based laboratory
- Conduct a series of research activities similar to those that take place during scientific drilling expeditions
- Learn from scientists who focus their research on and actively participate in IODP expeditions
- Enlist educators to share their experiences and translate IODP data, samples, and science into useful teaching resources
- Engage educators to disseminate IODP science and Deep Earth Academy education resources through at least two of the following: teacher workshops, public lectures, activity development, product field testing, social media, journal publications, or popular media
Successful completion of this class will provide 3 credit hours of undergraduate coursework from IUP. These credits may be applied to meet PA Act 48 professional development requirements for PA Certified Teachers and other PD credits are available. Tuition/fees will be charged according to IUP standard summer rates. The Consortium for Ocean Leadership will provide $500 stipend to each participant to help defray costs of tuition/fees. Grades for this course will be determined by the following distribution:
Participation during class, in field, etc. 25%
Student presentation and activities 25%
Course notebook and reflection 50%
For someone who has lived in the Midwest most of his life, I manage to get my share of sea time. I’ve sailed on four previous expeditions involving scientific ocean drillings (ODP Legs 138, 167, 199 and IODP Exp321) and on numerous coring/geophysical survey cruises. I currently serve on the faculty of Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP) where I’ve enjoyed teaching undergraduate students about geology and oceanography for the past 19 years. My love of the oceans began by accident during my freshman year of college at the University of Michigan when I enrolled in a “elective course” in Oceanography. During my sophomore year I experienced by first sea-going adventure when I sailed from New England to Barbados aboard the Westward during a semester at sea program. Since then I’ve never thought twice about any other career. My research is focused on atmospheric dust and how sedimentary records of dust help us understand ancient wind patterns and climate changes. At first, my research dealt mainly with glacial cycles of dust transported to the North Pacific downwind from the Asian continents, but recently I’ve been studying equatorial trade winds and how they’ve migrated to different latitudes during major shifts in global climate.
Currently I serve as the Chair of the Geoscience Department at IUP. I teach courses in general meteorology, oceanography and climate change and mentor several students with budding interests in oceanography. The School of Rock is a fantastic program and I’m eagerly looking forward to being part of it with you this summer!
I still recall the fateful day as a freshman when I went to talk about jobs with a U.S. Forest Service employee and he mentioned two disciplines, hydrology and geology. It was at that moment that I came to appreciate that my love of playing in and observing the natural world could be assets in my studies. I promptly transferred from a small school in West Virginia to the University of Vermont and majored in geology. It was the right decision for me. From there I went directly to the University of Tennessee to work an M.S., which I earned in 1988 while working in environmental consulting. After a few more years of environmental work I moved on to UConn to work a Ph.D, finishing in 1998. My Ph.D. work focused on the structural history of the SW Japan margin.
Fast forward through postdocdom to 2004 when I joined the faculty of the Geoscience Department at Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP). Soon after starting at IUP, the Nankai Trough Seismogenic Zone Experiment (NanTroSEIZE) project commenced. I was honored to sail on the Chikyu as a Structural Geologist on IODP Expedition 315 in 2007. This was a logical extension of my work on the on-land structural history of SW Japan. In addition to this ongoing work, I am working to understand the configuration of active faults in central Costa Rica and to constrain the crustal architecture of the Taiwan arc-continent collision. I continue to be active in IODP and served on the U.S. Advisory Committee. I am thrilled to be joining the ranks of the excellent School of Rock instructors. Get ready for the 2014 School of Rock!
This is my sixth School of Rock and I can’t wait! Before coming to work for the International Ocean Discovery Program, I taught middle school and high school science and math, worked at the Museum of Paleontology at UC Berkeley on projects such as Explorations Through Time, the Understanding Evolution website, and Understanding Science website, and developed curriculum and museum materials for different folks. In my free time I work on efforts to bridge the gap between the science community, educators, and the public through the Coalition on the Public Understanding of Science. I love to travel, and because my husband is a marine biologist, have gotten to go to many great places to do science with a diversity of scientists. Other random stuff; one of my life goals is to run in every state in the US, and on every continent; I have two amazing kids; the Muppets absolutely terrify me and are banned from our house!
After attending IUP many years ago, and holding various professional positions such as retail, property large-scale manufacturing management, I have returned to IUP to pursue a degree and career in geology.
I am a non traditional student here at Indiana University of Pennsylvania majoring in Environmental Geography and Anthropology with many interests and educational aspirations. I love the Earth and my main goal in life is to respect and live in harmony with it as well as help others to do so too. I love to learn, travel and experience what the world has to offer. I have traveled to 46 of the United States and to several countries. I love farming and caring for animals above all. That is my only long term goal is to live sustainably off the the land on my own piece of earth!
Hello, my name Troy Berkey and I am a non-traditional student about to start my Senior year at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. My wife and I recently had our first child, a boy, Silas. So, now, more than ever, I feel the need to take advantage of every opportunity to learn as much about geology as I can. Not only for my own sake, but for my family as well.
I am a senior at Bloomsburg University majoring in Environmental Geoscience. When I’m not working, I enjoy doing outdoor activities such as camping and target shooting. I also have a love for cars and drag racing. When I graduate, I plan to get a job in the field of hydrology or environmental consulting.
Caroline Gott is currently conducting her research in geochemistry at UC Riverside where she has recently been accepted to begin a Master’s Program in Fall 2014. Her research is focused on sulfur cycling in sediments from the Costa Rica margin. When not in the lab, she enjoys painting, traveling and reading.
Sean O’Brien is a senior undergraduate Geology student at Ohio State University in Columbus, OH. This past summer, he spent six weeks braving the heat in Central Utah to map and interpret large-scale geologic structure at Ohio State’s Geology Field Camp. Over the previous year, Sean served his department as the Vice President of the OSU student chapter of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists. An accomplished public speaker with numerous regional, national, and international awards, Sean is dedicated to developing his scientific communication skills and inspiring others to explore STEM through practical applications. He will spend the remainder of the summer with Dr. Lawrence Krissek (OSU) researching terrigenous mineral composition of IODP Site U1389 as a Shell Undergraduate Research Intern in Columbus, OH. Following his graduation, Sean plans to pursue his graduate degree in Geology. He can’t wait to embark on this exciting week.
I am going into my senior year at Bloomsburg University as an Enviornmental Geoscience major. My goal with this degree is to eventually work for the Natural Resource Conservation Service doing farmland protection. My background with raising livestock and being involved in 4-H first got me intrested in this career. While I’m not at school or working I enjoy hunting with my bird dog.
I am an Adjunct Professor in Geology and Oceanography at Lone Star College in Spring Texas, and California State University, in Hayward California. I live most of the year in Muscat, Oman and currently do the majority of my teaching online (real distance learning!) I am delighted to be participating in The School of Rock as I am currently working on a field guide on the Omani ophiolite outcrops. I look forward to comparing the JOIDES cores to the Oman Hafar Mountain, and the Coastal Range of Northern California ophiolite exposures.
My research background is in process sedimentology, remotes sensing, and geologic modelling, working mostly in the oil industry. I have a few publications related to online teaching methods for STEM education.
Samantha Bruce
Samantha Bruce received her M.S. in Environmental Studies with a focus on water resources from the College of Charleston in Charleston, SC. She now teaches introductory Geology as an adjunct lecturer and instructor at the College of Charleston, and also works as a Geospatial Extension Specialist for the S.C. Sea Grant Consortium. Samantha has a broad range of research interests linked by the common thread of marine science and applied technology. Samantha is participating in the School of Rock with the goal of increasing her overall knowledge of scientific ocean drilling and the current science missions of the JOIDES Resolution in order to become a more more informed and effective teacher.
Macy Bethge
I am a Junior at the University of Pittsburgh studying the Natural Sciences, concentrating in Biology, Geology and Archaeology. I currently am interning with Keystone State Park about 45 minutes outside of Pittsburgh. I have a passion for our environment and preserving it for future generations. I look forward to working and learning along such experienced researchers, teachers and students.
James Collins
Hello, my name is James Collins, but I go by Jamie. I am an undergraduate student currently studying Geological Oceanography at the University of Rhode Island. I have a strong interest in the sciences and the environment. This past year I have enjoyed studying the impact of coastal erosion. I love the ocean and hope I can play a role in managing coasts and promoting conservation. Apart from that I have a huge passion for music.
Jules Dill
My name is Jules Dill and I’m from Ebensburg, Pennsylvania. I’m currently working on my undergraduate degree in geoscience from the Indiana University of Pennsylvania.
Gordon Giffin
Dave Grant
My education is in Biology, although of work experience “a whaleship was my Yale College and my Harvard” and most of my work has been in oceanography. Born in Germany, our family moved between a half-dozen army bases, including Ft. Hancock on Sandy Hook – at the mouth of New York Harbor – where I have worked since college.
I teach in the best of both worlds – in a traditional classroom setting and in the field – and initiated two successful marine education programs that today serve thousands of students and teachers, receiving over a dozen citations, including a USEPA Environmental Quality Award.
Teaching has rewarded me with many opportunities, including two month-long NOAA cruises as a Teacher At Sea studying climate issues in the Atlantic and Pacific , sailing the Northwest Passage to Greenland on a Russian icebreaker, and participating in outreach to schools in such far-flung places as Barrow, Alaska and Pitcairn Island. During our school’s winter break last year, I had the opportunity to sail to South Georgia, the Falklands and Antarctica studying plankton, pinnipeds and penguins.
I am looking forward to the SOR experience to apply to my own teaching the knowledge gained from the scientists and presenters, and to learn innovative teaching skills from the participants.
Items of interest:
Worked nights for three years in a New York penitentiary.
Was “ship wrecked” in Tahiti…and deported by the French authorities.
Shared the limelight on NY television news with two famous celebrities: Lauren Hutton…and Miss Piggy.
Was the NJ State swimming champion in the 200-yard individual medley.
Webster Gray
My name is Webster Gray, I’m graduation this may from Rutgers University with a degree in Geology (Environmental track). I am interested in studying stratigraphy and sedimentary rock structures. I am also interested in mineralogy, so as a hobby I tend to collect small rocks and minerals I find while hiking or during school field trips. I am currently an intern at the Newark Museum and work on projects that try to increase the publics’ understanding of general science and Earth history. My favorite part about working at the museum is that once in a while I get to see the museums fossil and mineral collection that isn’t on display.
Jonathan King
Hello! My name is Jonathan (Jon) King and I am a sophomore geology major at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. I am originally from middle-of-nowhere Noxen PA (near Wilkes-Barre). Also, I am the 3rd geologist of our family! I have been a TA for the IUP geoscience department for a year and a half and I am working under our department paleontologist, Dr. John Taylor.
Monty Walker
I grew up in a small-town in a remote area of Northwest California, where childhood consisted of long bike rides, tree climbing, beach combing, and Legos and board games when it rained. During the summer, there were numerous small camping trips with at least one major vacation planned to a national park. After high school, I earned an Associate of Arts degree at College of the Redwoods then completed by my bachelor’s degrees at Humboldt State University. Having earned degrees in geography and history, I began graduate school at Chico State University where I earned a Master’s degree with an emphasis in European history in 1997, after which, I began taking graduate courses in geography as well as teaching part-time. In 2000, Yakima Valley Community College in Washington state hired me as a full-time instructor of geography and European history. While at Yakima College, I completed my Master’s degree in geography and was granted tenure the following year. I continue to split my teaching between history and geography and I am currently developing a course on climate change. I live in a one hundred–year old farmhouse with my wife and two of our children where we tend our fruit trees and I go on long bike rides.
Kevin Kurtz is the author of the children’s books A Day in the Salt Marsh, A Day on the Mountain, A Day in the Deep and Uncovering Earth’s Secrets. He has worked as an educator for organizations such as the South Carolina Aquarium and the Science Factory Children’s Museum, and also onboard the research ship the JOIDES Resolution during an expedition in the South Pacific. Learn more about him at http://kevinkurtz.homestead.com