From Popular Mechanics to Scientific American
From Popular Mechanics to Scientific American, five Expedition 320 science party members are blogging to university websites and online magazines in the U.S. and abroad. Together, they offer a different perspective on coring, life, and science aboard The JR. We are pleased to link you to them and hope you’ll find a favorite!
Leslie (on yet another sunny Equatorial Pacific Day with ever more “Core on Deck”)
1. Dr. Paul Bown, a micropaleontologist from University College London, and his onboard colleagues from the UK are blogging about this expedition on the Natural Environment Research Council’s Planet Earth Online.
2. Rice University’s Dr. Lizette Leon-Rodriguez is posting a Spanish language blog on her page at Academia.edu.
3. Dr. Thomas Westerhold is blogging in German through his page hosted by marum at the University of Bremen.
4. Logging scientist Trevor Williams, from the Borehole Group at Columbia University’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, is posting at Popular Mechanics.
5. U.C. Santa Cruz geochemist Peggy Delaney is writing a blog titled, “Sixty Seconds in the Mid-Pacific” at Scientific American’s 60-Second Science Blog.
Photo: Lizette Leon-Rodriguez at work in the micropaleontology lab. Credit: Bill Crawford, IODP Imaging Specialist.