Getting ready for the first ‘core on deck’
After few days of transit from Colombo, we are finally
docked on top of the first site of Expedition 355 within the vast Arabian Sea. Water-water
everywhere as far as you can see! And guess what – unlike the old saying, there
is plenty to drink too!!
Thanks to the state-of-art dynamic position system
backed by the monster thrusters onboard, which makes our stay precise and static on top of almost 3.5 km deep
water. Not to forget the comfort from the usual pitch and roll in order to work
our shifts. Its kind of amazing to experience something like this and kudos to the crew and tech guys who work round the clock to maintain this precision. That indeed makes an IODP core so special. The procedure to obtain first core from this expedition is underway
in full swing and all are eagerly waiting to hear ‘core on deck’.