Heading Home

Well folks, we are almost to the end. It is Saturday night and we have one more solid day before we roll into Hobart. The seas have been oddly calm. I was looking forward to the screaming fifties and the rolling forties – storms and adventure. But instead we have pea soup fog and glassy waters. I shouldn’t complain too much, the quiet waters have allowed us to make excellent time – though at any minute I suspect a pirate ship to spook up on us out of the fog. So I said we were making excellent timing – and in fact we are going to arrive a day early! Which I must say is pretty exciting. We’ve had our fun out here, but I must say – I am ready for land. And I think my friend Jamie has a good point when she says she is ready for fresh salad! I think I’ll have to join her in some fresh food – which I’m sure Hobart will be able to supply me. My only hope is that the fog lets up a bit – It will be nice to see the harbor before we dock to it. There was a bit of sun in the beginning of our travels home – And you can see one of the last sunsets as we rushed along.

I just wanted to wrap up the last week, which was filled with fun times. Last Saturday we were surprised with an outside BBQ. The weather was nice (for Antarctica anyway) and it turned out to be the head chef’s birthday so we got the most delicious spread. Check out the pictures below. Don’t get me wrong, it was a bit nippy outside  and maybe eating ribs with gloves was not the best idea – but it sure was fun. Afterwards my friend Rob and I set up my hammock and enjoyed some rays before the wind scared us off. 

We were able to squeeze in one more site before heading home, and the picture below is of my last sampling shift. I was fortunate to see some dolphins this week, who swam along side of us as we headed home. Today I have a video conference with some of my favorite 4th grade friends – which was a blast – thanks guys! And Oh and the COOLEST thing to happen was winning the Wilkes Land Logo Contest. Several designs were entered, and my won. Now my logo holds a place on the wall of fame, and can be found on the T-shirts of our wonderfully hard working staff and scientists.

That’s probably it for me. After a few nights in Hobart, I’ll be meeting up with my roommate Sarah soon in Sydney. We’ll backpack around a bit, and then I get to head home! I can’t wait to see my own bed! and to have green chili! Yum Yum.

There’s a new Wilkes Land report on You Tube, but you can check it out on the homepage of thejr.org webpage! This week the penguins visit the chemistry lab – that’s where I work!

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