JR Daily 1 Apr 09
PRESENT ACTIVITY: Update as of 0700 hr 1 April 2009 XCB coring U1333A-21X from 181.6 mbsf and looking for basement contact with this core. Once basement sample is obtained, we will pull out of the hole and offset the vessel 25 m east of Hole U1333A and spud Hole U1333B.
LOCATION: Site U1333: Hole U1333A (PEAT-3C); Preliminary Position: 10°30.997’N, 138°25.175’W; Final Water Depth: 4865.0 mbrf / 4853.7 mbsl
WEATHER: Heading: various. Wind: 16-22 kts gusting 25 kt @ 048°- 055°; Seas: 4 ft @ 6 sec from 050°; Swell: 6 ft @ 6 sec from 058°, Sea Water: 27°C; Barometer: 1014.0 mb steady; Air: 25°C; Heave: 8 ft; Max Pitch: 2° @ 4 sec; Max Roll: 3° @ 6 sec. Clear skies with good visibility.
TIME BREAKDOWN: (by nearest 1/4 hour): 0000-1500 Piston core U1333A-1H to -10H (95.0 mbsf) with an average recovery of 104.1%. 1500-2400 XCB core U1333A-11X to 17X (95.0 mbsf) with an average recovery of 98.6%
Challenge: Calculate the total percent recovery for U1333A through core 17X. Send your answers through the Comment function below!
OPERATING PLAN (next 24-48 hours): APC/XCB to basement (~175 mbsf) with a minimum of three holes. Temperature measurements will be attempted on Hole U1333B. Hole U1333C will be spot cored to address gaps in the sedimentary record.
Photos: Top — Advanced Piston Coring Shoe extending through APC/XCB bit. The APC is designed to recover 9.5 m-long core samples from very soft to firm sediments.
Bottom — An APC/XCB bit and soft formation XCB cutting shoe.The Extended Core Barrel (XCB) coring system is used in sedimentological, climate, and paleoceanographic studies for core samples from soft to moderately hard formations too stiff for the piston core.
Credit: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program