JR Daily 18 Mar 09

PRESENT ACTIVITY: Update as of 0900 hr 18 March 2009  We cleared the sea floor with the drill string at 0820 hr after a successful logging run from the bottom of the hole with the Paleo Combo. We are now offsetting the vessel 20 m west of Hole U1331A. Once on position, we will spud Hole U1331B shooting the first piston core 5 m deeper than the initial spud of Hole U1331A. We will attempt to take at least three good temperature measurements on this hole.

CORING:  Cored sections 12H-15H with 38 meters cored and 39.41 meters recovered; cored sections 16X-22X with 52.4 meters cored and 13.8 meters recovered.  Good basement contact with nice basalt sample encrusted with sediment on last core.

Challenge:  Use these measurements to calculate the total number of cores, total number of meters cored, and the percent recovery for the day’s drilling. List and discuss reasons for both high and low recovery.  Send your answers through the comment function at the bottom of this page.

LOCATION: Site U1331:  Hole U1331A (PEAT-1C) Preliminary Position:  12°04.089’ N, 142°09.698’ W; Calculated Water Depth:  5127.3 mbrf / 5116.2 mbsl

WEATHER: Heading: various. Wind:8-20 kt gusting 23 kt @ 060°; Seas: 6-8 ft @ 8 sec from 080° Swell: 4-6 ft @ 8 sec from 080°-090°; Sea Water: 25.8°C; Barometer: 1012 mb steady; Air: 25°C; Heave: 2 ft; Max Pitch: 2° @ 6 sec; Max Roll: 2-3° @ 8 sec.

OPERATION PLAN (next 24-48 hours): APC/XCB Hole U1331B. Obtain a minimum of three good downhole temperature measurements.

CURRENT TIME ZONE:  GMT -10 (Hawaii Time)

Photo:  Trevor Williams and Helen Evans, logging scientists from the Borehole Lab at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, examine data taken while logging at site U1331A (PEAT-1C).  Credit:  Bill Crawford, IODP Imaging Specialist.


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