JR Daily 31 Mar 09
PRESENT ACTIVITY: Update as of 0730 hr 31 March 2009 Hole U1333A was spudded with the APC at 0225 hr this morning. We are presently piston coring U1333A-5H from 38.0 mbsf to 47.50 mbsf.
LOCATION: Site U1333: Hole U1333A (PEAT-3C); Preliminary Position: 10°30.997’N, 138°25.175’W; Final Water Depth: 4865.0 mbrf / 4853.7 mbsl
WEATHER: Heading: various. Wind: 17-23 kts gusting 26 kt @ 022°- 057°; Seas: 3 ft @ 4 sec from 030°; Swell: 4 ft @ 6 sec from 025°, Sea Water: 27°C; Barometer: 1014.5 mb rising; Air: 25°C; Heave: 7 ft; Max Pitch: 1° @ 4 sec; Max Roll: 2° @ 6 sec. Mostly cloudy skies with good visibility.
TIME BREAKDOWN: (by nearest 1/4 hour): 0000-1400 Underway at full speed Site PEAT-3C. Sailing into a strong current and 22-26 knot wind. Lower thrusters at site coordinates and approach location. 1400-2400 Positioned over site with DP system at 1407 hr. Made up APC/XCB bottom hole assembly with used APC/XCB bit and deployed the drill string to 4860 mbrf. Deploy beacon at 1525 hr. Drop XCB barrel and tag sea floor at ~4875 mbrf.
(Nm) (Hrs) (kt) REMAINING (Nm)
Yesterday: 43 4.50 9.6 133
Today: 133 13.75 9.7 0
176 18.25 9.6
OPERATING PLAN (next 24-48 hours): APC/XCB to basement (~175 mbsf) with a minimum of three holes. Temperature measurements will be attempted on Hole U1333B. Hole U1333C will be spot cored to address gaps in the sedimentary record.
Photo: Driller Nick Parish at work in the doghouse (aka drill shack). Credit: Bill Crawford, IODP Imaging Specialist.