Last Core — JR Daily 25 April 09
PRESENT ACTIVITY: Update as of 0630 hr 26 April 2009 Coring in Hole U1336B concluded at a depth of 173.9 mbsf at 0200 hr this morning. We are presently pulling out of the hole and expect to be departing for Honolulu by 1400 hr. The captain estimates that an average speed of 9.5 knots will have us arriving at the Honolulu pilot by ~0500 hr on 5 May. The distance from Site U1336 to Honolulu is 1954 nm.
LOCATION: Site U1336: Hole U1336A (PEAT-05C) Final Position: 7° 42.0735’N, 128° 15.2526’W Final Water Depth: 4296.9 mbrf (4285.3 mbsl) Site U1336: Hole U1336B (PEAT-5C) Preliminary Position: 7° 42.0614’N, 128° 15.2540’W Final Water Depth: 4298.1 mbrf (4286.5 mbsl) Current Time Zone: GMT -9
WEATHER: Wind: 15-18 kts gusting 27 kts @ 063°; Seas: 3 ft @ 5 sec from 070°; Swell: 5 ft @ 8 sec from 045°, Sea Water: 28.2°C; Barometer: 1011.0 Mb rising; Air: 28.0°C; Heave: 5 ft; Max Pitch: 2° @ 4 sec; Max Roll: 3° @ 5 sec.
TIME BREAKDOWN: (by nearest 1/4 hour): 0000-0230 XCB cored U1336A-35X (298.3 mbsf to 302.9 mbsf). Coring was terminated because of very slow penetration rates (4 m/hr) in the last two cores (-34X and -35X). Basement was not reached in this hole. 0230-0500 Pulled out of the hole with the top drive and cleared sea floor at 0400 hr. Offset vessel 25 m south of Hole U1336A. Picked up top drive and spaced out drill string. 0500-2400 Spud Hole U1336B with the APC at 0540 hr. Estimate sea floor depth at 4298.1 mbrf (4286.5 mbsl). APC U1336B-1H to -18H (154.9 mbsf). Cores up to and including -16H were obtained with non-magnetic core barrels. Cores -14H and -16H were partially stroked efforts.
During this time period at hole U1336A, 4.6 meters were drilled and 1.32 meters were recovered in core 35X. At hole U1336B, the core range was 1H-18H, with 18 cores taken,154.9 meters cored and 160 meters recovered.
Challenge: Find percent recovery for both holes then find the average percent recovery and send answers through the comment function at the bottom of the page. We’ll happily send you something nice in return!
Photos: Top: Expedition 320 Co-Chief Hiroshi Nishi and the drill floor crew moments after the last core on deck. Middle: Expedition 320 Physical Properties Tech Thomas Gorgas anticipating the last core with Co-chief Scientists Hiroshi Nishi and Heiko Paelike. Bottom: Expedition 320 Staff Scientist Adam Klaus carries the last core down the catwalk. Credit: Micropaleontologist Lizette Leon-Rodriguez