Rad-ical Science Update(s)

Don’t forget all of our science reports are available on the IODP website.  Here’s what’s been happening over the last few days.  If you’re not into oozes and chalk, you may find these kind of weird.  Enjoy and keep those comments and quesitons coming!     Adam

1 April 2009

LOCATION:    Site U1333 (PEAT-3C), 10º 30.99’N, 138º 25.16’W (4850 mbsl)

SCIENCE UPDATE: Cores U1333A-18X to 22X cored 158.4 to 184.1 m DSF, recovered 14.91 m (58%); Cores 13X to 16X have been split and grade downcore from radiolarian nannofossil ooze to nannofossil ooze to radiolarite to nannofossil radiolarite to radiolarian nannofossil chalk; late to middle Eocene.
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2 April 2009

LOCATION:    Hole U1333C (PEAT-3C), 10º 30.99’N, 138º 25.15’W (4850 mbsl)

SCIENCE UPDATE: Cores U1333A-18X to 20X grade downcore from radiolarian nannofossil chalk, radiolarite with clay and nannofossils, to radiolarian clay, to nannofossil chalk, and nannofossil chalk with dolerite; middle Eocene.

Core 21X contained a 5-cm long piece of limestone containing basalt cobbles with chilled margins and some glassy texture; Core 22X recovered a 6-cm long piece of basalt.

Offset 25 m east of Hole U1333A and spud Hole U1333B. APC Cores U1333B-1H to 18H cored 0 to 162.7 m DSF and 19X-20X cored from 162.7 to 180.3 m; total recovery is 179.9 m (99.7%). Offset 25m east of Hole U1333B and spud Hole U1333C. First two cores recovered from 0-11.1 m DSF recovered 11.7 m (105%). APC coring continues to span gaps in first two holes and provide sufficient material for postcruise science.

TATTOOS:  Happy National Fake Tattoo Day!  Thanks to whoever got them all (Peggy, Kristin, Kelly, etc).


Photo:  Top:  Radiolarians.  Credit:  IODP Expedtion Micropaleontologist Shin-Ichi Kanikuri. 

Bottom:  5-cm long piece of limestone containing basalt cobbles with chilled margins and some glassy texture.  Credit:  Bill Crawford, IODP Imaging Specialist.


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