Day one at sea.
The Need to Give Thanks
This is my first official blog post from the JOIDES Resolution as a School of Rock participant. Subsequent blogs will…
Less than 11 hours till we sail
A new lexicon and sealegs
Ready to go…
Hi everyone! Some of the 'rockers' have finally met in San Diego. After seeing all of our faces at the…
Departure tomorrow with the joides Resolution
Two weeks navigation between San Diego and Vanvcouver Island, along three different tectonic plates borders, but which ones ? (first…
Travel Day
After leaving Mobile, Alabama early this morning and traveling a little over 7 hours, on 2 flights, I arrived safely…
10,000 feet to sea level
Preparing for the high seas…
We are down to just a few days before the big adventure begins! I’m really looking forward to meeting all…