We’ve made it to Australia!
Sharon and I made it to Townsville yesterday afternoon. It was my first long plane trip, and to be honest, I felt AWFUL by the time we got to the hotel. However, a good night’s sleep made all the difference. Everyone here is very friendly, and of course, I love the Australian accents. We’re learning the tricks of Australian English – Sharon ordered bisquits for breakfast and got a plate of cookies! (Sounds like a good deal to me). I’ve learned that bathroom stalls here aren’t “occupied” they are “engaged.” The food is interesting. Some things are the same, only in different wrappers, other things are totally new to me. The picture I’ve put up is the view from my hotel room in Townsville. I leave here in about an hour to take a bus to the ship’s berth so I can check in and board the ship. I am so glad to be here and to be starting this adventure!