Expedition 340 Completed: Thank you and fare thee well

This will be the final blog for expedition 340. We began the journey filled with anticipation, setting out to gain a better understanding of the constructive and destructive history of volcanoes in the Lesser Antilles, as well as the fate and impact of large volumes of volcanic debris settling in the seafloor over millions of years. Delighted to report that after 434 deep sea cores have been recovered, visually described and undergone initial analyses, the scientific objectives for 340 have been successfully accomplished. I have learned so many new things as a participants in this journey. One of my take home messages will be: What makes scientists and technicians special? What makes scientists and technicians special is not that they know everything, but that they are not afraid to say, ‘I don’t know.’ This talented group knows a lot about the Earth, its mysteries and history, but they are even more interested in the things we still do not know about the Earth. They were on this Expedition because they have ideas of how to answer some of these new questions, and studying the rocks from the Lesser Antilles can help them find out if their ideas are right or not. If they are right, then we will learn something new about Earth and most especially volcanoes. Scientists, technicians and drillers are willing to work really hard to answer questions and discover new things. All who are aboard this expedition worked at least 12 hours every day and some even longer to complete their scientific work. This expedition is not the beginning or end of their scientific research. It is a continuation of “science in search of Earth’s secrets.”


Congratulations to the scientists, technicians, drill team, captain and mates, and our catering and steward team.

Enjoy this group of photos to fondly remember the journey, a first for many in the Science Pary.

340 Amazing Drill Team, Captain and Mates (Photo credit, IODP Imaging Specialist)



340 Technical Team (Not pictured, Michael Bertoli, David Fackler, Gus Gustafson, Erik Moortgat, Kerry Swain)

Photo credit, Etienne Claassen’s double

340 Scientific Party (Photo credit, Etienne Claassen)

340 Science & Tech Ladies (Not pictured, Angela Slagle, Emily Fisher, Lisa Brandt, Sally Morgan; Photo credit, Etienne Claassen)

340 Outstanding Catering & Steward Team (Photo credit, IODP Imaging Specialist)

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.
(Traditional Gaelic blessing)

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