Where in the World?
Because our planet is a sphere, we need two types of reference lines to locate positions on the Earth and…
Because our planet is a sphere, we need two types of reference lines to locate positions on the Earth and…
How to download the ebook: For iPads and Macs: Uncovering Earth’s Secrets was designed specifically to fit on an iPad screen….
This poster highlights the pathway one microbiologist and her colleagues follow to unravel the mystery of what is living in…
Lab groups can work together to examine high resolution photos and data from four cores taken at various depths in…
The Glacial Interglacial Core Model contains evidence of a shift from an interglacial to a glacial period approximately 0.9 million years ago. This core can be loaned out for your educational needs.
These educational activities are designed to support mastery of the College and Career Readiness anchor standards identified in the Common Core State Standards…
Present students with this data set of microbial phyla from the deep biosphere and guide them to identify patterns then form and test multiple hypotheses about the questions they generate. Then they reflect on the elements of "doing science" they experienced and use the Science Flow Chart to document the process they engaged in and share what they would do next.
Take a tour of The JR with ship core technician, Bubba. Learn about scientific ocean drilling and how scientists use the rocks and sediments they gather from the ocean floor to uncover history. Test your knowledge with Bubba’s challenge questions and complete a puzzle to get a certificate.