Steine werden weich: Elmar Albers
An Bord der JOIDES Resolution ist die “Core-Description” eine der zentralen Aufgaben der Wissenschaftler bei der Auswertung der Bohrkerne. Aus…
An Bord der JOIDES Resolution ist die “Core-Description” eine der zentralen Aufgaben der Wissenschaftler bei der Auswertung der Bohrkerne. Aus…
One of the two Co-Chief-scientists of Expedition 366 is Patty Fryer, a Professor of Geology at the University of Hawaii….
Fantangisña (Celestial-) Seamount, visited a second time, is supposed to be our last site on this extraordinary expedition to the Serpentinite…
Nearly everybody going on board of the JOIDES Resolution for the first time may have asked the question: “What shall…
Expedition 366 erforscht die Serpentinit-Schlammvlkane des sogenannten Mariana Forearc, also der Zone zwischen Marianengraben und den Inselbogen-Vulkanen der heutigen Marianeninseln….
It is difficult, to find a date to speak with Simone Mantovanelli. Since she is the only Palaeomagnetist on board…
It is difficult, to find a date to speak with Simone Mantovanelli. Since she is the only Palaeomagnetist on board…
On board of the JOIDES Resolution different scientists follow different research goals. Geology (especially Ignious Petrology, Geochemistry, Geophysics and Palaeomagnetism)…