Big News for Educators!

We have received word that there will be an educator on board Expedition 361! If you were unable to sign up for a webcast previously, this is your chance. The Google form has already been set up! You can view it here.  Remember that these are scheduled on a first come first served basis so you’ll want to secure your spot early. 


Also, applications for new Education and Outreach Officers will be opening up at the end of January, so get your resumes ready!  The JR will be looking for educators for the next 5 expeditions. 


I can tell you from personal experience that it is truly an enriching adventure. 

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I have learned much about geology, oceanography, and microbiology. I’ve also had the amazing opportunity to share what the JR is doing with students and teachers all over the world. 


So remember, start thinking about what dates you would like to schedule your live broadcast and consider applying as an Education and Outreach Officer!

If you have questions you can email 

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