Double Rainbows and Sea Turtle Visits

With all the excitement of PETM and K-Pg boundaries being onboard, it is easy to forget to step outside and bask in the beautiful Atlantic Ocean. The last few days have been particularly picturesque. First, we were visited by a loggerhead sea turtle – a fairly common species in the North Atlantic. The loggerhead had a resident school of small fish that lived in the protective shade of its large body. There’s not much cover in the open ocean so these fish took what they could get!

Many of us head to the upper decks to watch the gorgeous sunsets each night. Yesterday we were treated to a spectacular site of the sunset in the west and a huge double rainbow in the east. It was beautiful and almost seemed to glow from the direct light of the setting sun.

We continue to process the cores from our first location while the logging team completes their experiments. We are all looking forward to moving to the next location and seeing what secrets lie in the sediment…

Hi sea turtle!

Double Rainbow! 


It was huge! 

Annick, Peter, and Paul enjoying the sunset and the rainbow. 

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