Excellent Logging

Our final phase of activities at this site was to run a suite of downhole geophysical logs and they have proven to be particularly successful because of the very good condition of the hole. Because we did not encounter any sand in this particular location and the borehole was less susceptible to caving in which made for very good conditions in which to operate downhole logs. In this photograph you see the formation microscanner (FMS), a device that provides an image of the resistivity in the borehole rock by popping its arms open and pressing them against the side of the hole as it is dragged up to the surface. We managed to lower this down even into the basement in order to get data from within the volcanic section, which should be of significant tectonic interest. This is considered quite a coup and we managed to get very high quality data from this operation, perhaps the best I’ve ever seen on any drilling cruise. This was a nice way to finish our operations before we offset a very modest 17 nautical miles to the north to our next location where we are planning to sample some more bassalt very close to the former and now extinct sea floor spreading center. We are all acutely aware of the clock ticking rather rapidly at the moment and so everyone is trying to work as efficiently as possible with the little time we have left.

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