Expedition 360, Delivered to Your Ears
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Introducing a new way to follow the JOIDES Resolution, A Hole at the Bottom of the Sea is a podcast mini-series that will be produces weekly during expedition 360 and the first episode is live!
Introducing a new way to follow the JOIDES Resolution, A Hole at the Bottom of the Sea is a podcast mini-series that will be produces weekly during expedition 360 and the first episode is live! The best way to get it is to go subscribe on iTunes by clicking here<, you can also search for it on your favourite podcast app. Each episode will also be posted right here at joidesresolution.org<:
On this first episode we talk about what exactly this Moho thing is, co-chief scientist Henry Dick discusses the history of trying to drill to it and project manager Peter Blum outlines the plan for expedition 360.
There will be a special question and answer episode later in the expedition so send your questions about ocean drilling, life at sea, or science in general to thejoidesresolution@gmail.com<. If you want to do us a huge favour, once you’ve listened to the episode head over to our page on iTunes<, rate us out of five stars and leave a quick review. It really helps us get the word out to others!