flights of fantasy

So the drilling comes to an end for this site. We’ve been drilling like mad things, that’s for sure. But the rate of penetration has been pretty slow so, while we get great rocks, we have not got too many of them.

It has meant that we can take our time, do a good job and not get too stressed. Not that there is not a certain amount of stress and tension bubbling under the surface. It’s been three weeks now on the boat with people I had never meet before. The last core has come up and it’s time for Jerry and co to log the hole and then we are off.

I had a lovely cycle this morning after I got up. I was weaving through traffic and avoiding ambling pedestrians. At least I was in my mind. The exercise bike unfortunately just could not live up to the fantasy though.
Still and all… what I really wanted to do today was go for a walk, preferably with my kids. A stroll to the shop, perhaps, with the little blithers in tow. Then we could amble between the aisles thinking of what to cook up for dinner. Barter over lollies. Then maybe think about what to drink with dinner, beer, wine or if it’s super hot some nice cold cider.
Well one of the main topics of conversation about the boat is the equator crossing. There are a lot of people on board that are going across for the first time in 4 weeks time. It’ll be near the end of a pretty full-on trip. There are all kinds of whispers and warnings going on. Thankfully keel hauling is probably not an option. But there is talk of the possible need to shave your head following the event. But sure it’ll all be done in good fun.

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