Hump(back) Day!
We’ve finally reached the halfway point of our expedition, and I’m feeling a bit sentimental. It felt like months the first couple weeks, but now it feels as if the days are just flying by.
(I guess that’s just what it always feels like when deadlines are approaching:P)
To celebrate our hump day/one month anniversary of being on the JR, Jean (our publications specialist) threw us a HUMPback DAY PARTY! We’ve been seeing a lot of whales pass by lately because it’s migration/calving time for whales in Western Australia. It was the perfect theme for the best expedition!:D
(Sorry Geico camel, maybe next expedition we’ll dedicate our mid-life-at-sea to you.)
You would think after 30 days of 12 hour shifts every day, the scientists would rush to enjoy something fun and different for a change. It was interesting to see most of the scientists having a hard time un-gluing themselves from their computers. It was nice to see how dedicated and passionate they were with their work.
Geoscience has always been the one science subject I always avoided growing up simply because it had ties with social studies when I was young (I really didn’t like social studies…). But after being on this cruise, I can definitely say I’m seeing it in a different (better) light. There was so much to science that I never knew. I can see how it is an interdisciplinary field, incorporating almost all the sciences like chemistry, biology, and physics, it is a relevant topic worldwide, and has some of the most amazing people I have ever met in my life.
The hump(back) day celebration was a success and I’m a little sad there’s only a month left with everyone here.
But it’s nice knowing that in the end it won’t be a “goodbye” but a “see you later“:’)