Paleomagnetism zine and classroom activity

More resources! A zine (ie comic) about paleomagnetism, with an accompanying classroom activity.

Paleomagnetists like Saiko and Tim study the way the magnetic field of the Earth flips to help understand more about the sediment cores the JOIDES collects.

Paleomagnetism zine

The zine should be printed with 2-4 pages per sheet, then cut up and stapled together into a small booklet just like the one Saiko and Tim have in the picture above.

Paleomagnetism classroom activity

This is a classroom activity which would suit 12-year-old students or so — depends on your students!

Paleomagnetism classroom activity solutions

If you’d like to know more about the micropaleontology group on the expedition, have a look at Paleomagnetism for Rookies Part 1 and Part 2

Rosa Hughes-Currie
Rosa is a science teacher from Auckland, New Zealand sailing aboard the JOIDES Resolution expedition 374 to the Ross Sea.
More articles by: Rosa Hughes-Currie

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