School of Rock Day 2!!

“Science is an endeavor,” said Lisa White as we embarked on Day 2 of our School of Rock journey. We spent this glorious sunny day aboard the JOIDES Resolution in port at Auckland, where our endeavors of the day included “drilling” with bubble tea straws into a fantastically colored layer cake baked courtesy of the ship’s kitchen staff to simulate the core drilling process; and creating our own slides to view under a microscope, scanning for the presence of nanofossils and other clues to nature’s past under the sea. We discussed what it means for students to “engage in science,” and brainstormed ways in which we facilitate this in our classrooms. It was an invigorating start to this week’s program of activities exploring science research and geology in the Auckland area, and finding ways to apply our learning to increasing student engagement in science and to include typically under-represented groups like women and minorities in the process.

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