
Things are slowly coming together and making sense. I think there was so much going on the last few days, it's hard not to get overwhlemed. The orientation, the transit, the getting lost, the feeling lost, the fact that everyone else seems to already have it all sorted…but I'm finding my way and it's getting better.



The first moment 'things got real' was on the water taxi. We had hit the point of no return. Since then, we've been in meetings all day, going on tours, and accomplishing work. But after the final tour, and while Jean-Luc, Susan and I went on another 3 hour tour to pick the perfect route for our first broadcast – I was hit by how beautiful this is. It's easy to get wrapped up in the objectives and duties, but I ended up breaking away from them to snap some pictures of the ocean. Just some me time with my camera. And, I can't explain how much better I feel now. My mind is clear and I've taken the time to appreciate how awesome this is.

At the moment we are still in port, and will be for the next 4 days or so. I am sitting on the deck with Susan enjoying the sunset and watching some fireworks. We are both so pooped we could fall asleep out here. This will be the last time we see land for a while, so it's time to soak it in. I feel pretty fortunate to be able to disconnect from my phone*. 

Since we are still in port, we all get off the boat and head to the nearest bar each night. I'm feeling a sense of community I haven't felt since art school. And that is pretty nice. It's also pretty awesome to experience all the different cultures and langauges being spoken. When we go out to eat, euros have to be converted into dollars and then into colones. Lots of math! A bunch of nerds, we are!


The water splashes up against the sides of the boat at night while laying in bed in our cabins. It sounds like we are inside the stomach of a large monster.

The picture in the teaser image is of Trevor. After coming inside from relaxing on the deck I ran into him practicing his trumpet in an area loud enough for no one to be bothered by it. It was a perfect sight, and made me laugh.

*A word to my Draw Something people: don't be offended…I have no phone access and cannot play my turn. You'll have to wait a few months 🙂

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